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I'm talking about the companion cube one as well. the turrets didn't fire at me the first time, but the rest of the time they did
Jrlauer, you need spoiler tags on your post.

7zip is a piece of crap. Just zip it normally like everyone else.
It says I don't have enough memory. Yet I have a whole 500mb of physical memory sitting around doing nothing. HOW MUCH DAMN MEMORY DO YOU NEED?!

This was a fail. I'm making a note here, huge facepalm. It's hard to overstate my disappointment.
ultradude25 wrote:
7zip is a piece of crap. Just zip it normally like everyone else.
It says I don't have enough memory. Yet I have a whole 500mb of physical memory sitting around doing nothing. HOW MUCH DAMN MEMORY DO YOU NEED?!

Try rebooting first.

Also, i cant winzip it because its too big!

sbrown wrote:
Try rebooting first.

Also, i cant winzip it because its too big!

Winzip is crap. WinRar or just the built in windows zipping tool works fine.

Winrar for the fucking win.

I don't use any lameass cheats like notarget and such, and it seems that other people have had this problem as well so you might want to find it out because it seems to be on your end of the stick.

The cake is a rickroll.
sbrown wrote:
If you put them in the goo pit, he gives you a friendly one, so it dosen't destroy you if you are on the other side of the bridge.

I just checked the vmf, they have normal settings (fast retire and start active).

Sorry, I don't know what to tell you. They just stand there doing nothing.

jrlauer wrote:
Sorry, I don't know what to tell you. They just stand there doing nothing.

It works on two of my computers. So i dont know. I tried loading the level directly, and using transitions.


Good maps.
I had problems with the lift too, it never moved, even after reloading a saved game several times :?

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.

I found with the lift right near the end, you need to stand back, look at the button and press use

hanging_rope wrote:
I found with the lift right near the end, you need to stand back, look at the button and press use

Ya, you have to be like 32 units away from the door so you dont jump into the closing door, and glitch it

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