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Player Observation

I am trying a new mechanic in my map and wanted to give the player a demonstration, it happens kind of quick and I want to make sure the player was looking when it activated. Is there an entity or some way of knowing when they player is looking in a certain direction?

(I really only want the demonstration to play once)

Create a trigger_look volume on the floor in the area where you want the player to be standing.

In the trigger_look Output, set My Output to OnTrigger and the Target Entity to the entity that you want to cause the event to happen when the player looks at it.

The player needs to be both in the trigger_look volume AND looking at the Target Entity for the event to start.

Thank you very much Taco! It works just like I pictured :) can't believe I couldn't find that entity on my own

No problem - glad it worked for ya.