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Portal 2 Box Art

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Well, either Portal 2's being sponsored by Pfizer or something got past your Captcha, msleeper.

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gosh, i didn't know OTC drugs were on the box art of portal 2.

Hear the turret, for it is knell. It summons thee to heaven, or to hell.
Jthm wrote:
Portal 2 pre order includes this:
Looks like scuba gear. Oh and Bots names are Atlus and P-body.

Is it me or the suits look like something out of the Saw franchaise? I do not really like those suits, neither can see the point for the suits

Motanum's Website
Portal Maps - Motanum's Cheating Test [3 map pack and 2nd place winner]
Portal 2 Maps - Slanted Bridge | Main Four | Juggling | Wall Bridge
Aperture Tag - Collection ModDB

Like my work? Spare a coin? Donate via PayPal at eugenio.motanum91 [AT]

Sweet God, moderation please.


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Whoa what the F*** is this? Tryin' to sell me peelz or what?

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

This is a bot isn't it. Wow first time I ever saw one. How did they get past the capcha that must be pretty sophisticated...

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

First rule of spam, make it short so people actually read it.

Thank goodness I did not read that, I saw it thought it was too long, good to know it was not something serious... :p

Motanum's Website
Portal Maps - Motanum's Cheating Test [3 map pack and 2nd place winner]
Portal 2 Maps - Slanted Bridge | Main Four | Juggling | Wall Bridge
Aperture Tag - Collection ModDB

Like my work? Spare a coin? Donate via PayPal at eugenio.motanum91 [AT]


Hear the turret, for it is knell. It summons thee to heaven, or to hell.

He's giving everyone a taste of what life on these forums would be like without him. That way we can appreciate him more when he returns.

Mevious wrote:
He's giving everyone a taste of what life on these forums would be like without him. That way we can appreciate him more when he returns.


I sent him a PM earlier today, he'll probably be around soon.

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