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Portal 2 cubes and buttons skin request +something else? 😀

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I have been looking for Portal 2 stuff lately. Right now, I have a really cool Portal gun with sounds and everything. I also have a very cool Portal custom map with Portal 2 environments. (reepblue is awesome!) I've got almost everything I need to basically have Portal 2 and Portal.

Except just a few things.

My request for you today is skins for both of the button types and cubes, made to look like those of which from the Portal 2 trailer.
Oh, and the "+something else? :D" is this:
Maybe someone could write a script to make the Portal levels with like vines and stuff? :D (I already have reepblue's Portal 2 demo map, so if someone could just use those vines n' stuff to make it look like Portal 2, that would be GREAT! :D)
Thanks guys!

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: to anyone who can make all this for me! :D


are you serious...

Portal 1.5
yohoat9 wrote:
are you serious...

Yes, yes I am.
I can't find it anywhere, otherwise I wouldn't have posted :P

Coover55 wrote:

I have been looking for Portal 2 stuff lately. Right now, I have a really cool Portal gun with sounds and everything. I also have a very cool Portal custom map with Portal 2 environments. (reepblue is awesome!) I've got almost everything I need to basically have Portal 2 and Portal.

Except just a few things.

My request for you today is skins for both of the button types and cubes, made to look like those of which from the Portal 2 trailer.
Oh, and the "+something else? :D" is this:
Maybe someone could write a script to make the Portal levels with like vines and stuff? :D (I already have reepblue's Portal 2 demo map, so if someone could just use those vines n' stuff to make it look like Portal 2, that would be GREAT! :D)
Thanks guys!

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: to anyone who can make all this for me! :D


First of all, skins exist already for the cubes and, I believe, the buttons. They may not be uploaded here but they are out there. Do a bit of searching. Second, any adding of vines or foliage in a map wouldn't be done with a script, it would be done with actual mapping. Foliage and vine models and textures [overlays] already exist in the files accessible while mapping; once again, do some searching in Hammer.

Also, just as a somewhat ancillary note, making a first post asking for, in essence, someone to do something that you could easily do yourself isn't often very well received. I understand that you may not know how to do these things, so I'm not irritated or anything, but for future reference, it would probably be best to post asking how to do something before asking others to do it. Good luck with your map, by the way.

Now with 100% more inline comments!
WinstonSmith wrote:
First of all, skins exist already for the cubes and, I believe, the buttons. They may not be uploaded here but they are out there. Do a bit of searching. Second, any adding of vines or foliage in a map wouldn't be done with a script, it would be done with actual mapping. Foliage and vine models and textures [overlays] already exist in the files accessible while mapping; once again, do some searching in Hammer.

Also, just as a somewhat ancillary note, making a first post asking for, in essence, someone to do something that you could easily do yourself isn't often very well received. I understand that you may not know how to do these things, so I'm not irritated or anything, but for future reference, it would probably be best to post asking how to do something before asking others to do it. Good luck with your map, by the way.

Hmm, I'll see what I can do :D
I was thinking of making my own Portal map a while ago, maybe I'll add vines to make it look like Portal 2 :D

Where can I download Source SDK? I got Portal during a free deal off Steam, and it didn't include Source SDK. I have to launch Portal Prelude with a batch file -_-
Thanks if you can get me a link, I can't seem to find it, kinda like the skins O.o

Pretty sure the SDK doesn't come with the free version.

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Yep no SDK for freeloaders.

Rule #1 of forum questions: Google before you ask

Before you ask, make sure the answer isn't already out there

Portal 1.5

To use the source sdk (orange box version anyway) you'll have to purchase another orange box game such as half life 2.

Be warned when you do, the stock vines aren't the best looking and are hard to use. What I'm doing is just waiting for the portal 2 sdk to make portal 2 maps :P

Hear the turret, for it is knell. It summons thee to heaven, or to hell.
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