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Portal 2 E3 Revival Project? anyone?

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OK, I'm trying to make a VPK override with new portal sounds. I might have to change names around.

A few theories I had about why does the beta look better:
More exciting visuals than final (Valve didn't want it to be like that because, they wanted it to be darkish).
Sounds sound better (but Valve changed it probably so it won't be so noisy, so I'm making a new soundscript).
Portalgun looks better and less bulky (Valve probably just wanted a new model).
The reason the portalgun without the hold animation that disappears "is" better, because the player can focus on the object and not on the gun (The gun was probably a WIP, and Valve didn't make the holding animations yet).
Panels move faster in newly made chambers. (Just Feng Shui, I guess, but Valve probably wanted the place to be constructed from ruins, so they removed the newly made chambers).

yishbarr wrote:
Portalgun looks better and less bulky (Valve probably just wanted a new model).

Yeah, I can't help but notice that the portal gun feels bulky. It's like it's slower than the first game.

Some things I noticed: Different soundscapes, lasers and targets have a greenish glow, Excursion Funnel has a different blue glow. All that together with the other things.

They used also 32x32 wall textures for the floor and somehow managed to get them to look good.

There's this different sprite for lasers. I haven't checked if they're in the files, but I'm not a texture editor.
I've been trying to make a soundscape like the one in the laser map, with all those noises from outside.
I can't make all of this, but for whoever wants to:
-Portal gun sound script for packing in maps with sounds (Possible. Uses only some sounds of RubyCarbuncle's)
-sprites for the laser
-examples for green glowing laser emitters and catchers, and for excursion funnel light and button lights.
-Ports for portal 1 platform pole models
-New models for vent flanges and catwalks and proper doors. (I doubt it's possible, but it's worth writing it).
-Examples for different fog types.
-Portal 1 material sounds and footsteps. (Requires VPK override unfortunately).
-portal gun model
-anything you can think of.
I'm trying to recreate the TDB chamber with soundscapes and stuff. I'm quite keen on having maps with this.

there weren't any platform pole models in portal 1. those are just brushed. :P

Im blue, a Clean Christian Furry with Autism.
tile wrote:
there weren't any platform pole models in portal 1. those are just brushed. :P

There are a few, for the BTS areas, but they aren't used much. The brushwork ones are more common.

Falsi sumus crusto!

Then, what texture is it? And does Portal 2 have the same texture?

I don't think P2 has the texture, but you can copy it over. The model is mini_piston_inside.mdl, and there's an example of the brush piston in the sample map.

Falsi sumus crusto!
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