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reepblue wrote:
Then let the person with the highest system specs take them. .

Like me :V.

kizzycocoa wrote:
purely out of interest, where did I go wrong on grammar and spelling im my last post?

Spelling problem = saterday

Spelling problem 2= you can see in the quote, "spelling im my"

hanging_rope wrote:
Spelling problem = saterday

Spelling problem 2= you can see in the quote, "spelling im my"

ah, I see. as I was working flat out on hammer at the time, you can't blame me for trying to get screenshots for whoever asked for screenshots.
as for "im", notice the keyboard goes "zxcvbnm". a simple slip up where I wnet to press n, but pressed m

then review what you've typed before posting it.

It's not a chatbox, so you've got plenty of time to check the spelling before pressing the Submit button.

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.

lol why is the spelling such a big deal? so theres some typos. big deal. you can still understand whats being said right?

mazk1985 wrote:
lol why is the spelling such a big deal? so theres some typos. big deal. you can still understand whats being said right?

Because correct spelling, grammar and punctuation makes a post look more professional and appealing. You don't see any job postings using internet lingo and improper grammar and spelling, do you?

mazk1985 wrote:
lol why is the spelling such a big deal? so theres some typos. big deal. you can still understand whats being said right?


Remmiz wrote:
Because correct spelling, grammar and punctuation makes a post look more professional and appealing. You don't see any job postings using internet lingo and improper grammar and spelling, do you?
sbrown wrote:

Fair point and yes your both right. I was just saying that were talking alot about the spelling rather than the idea itself but true it would be more appealing if correct english is used

yeah. spelling, fair point, to look professional, I need to be more spelling/grammar aware, but this isn't for my spelling, it's about the mod. :)

I just realised while replying on myaperturelabs about the release date.

we originally hoped by april, we'd release the whole thing.

but put yourself in our-rather busy and excited-place:

the project is nothing short of endless on how much we can expand on this.

we thought of things such as, a run of test chambers, living quarters for the staff, construction lines for all parts of the facility, retextures for all models to make the facility look brand new, we can't begin to imagine the potential of this project! :)

we hope to have a beta out to our testers soon, then a public beta, then how ever many more beta's, but the full version may take weeks, months, maybe even a year to complete fully! :)

hence why it is still a beta and not finished, and why we wanted help in the first post.

so, the map so far was fairly bad as we have all these ideas running around in our head, we wanted to release them ASAP. we have since learned to ignore this feeling now.

we hope to release the beta by sunday to our testers, and release the public beta on wednesday :D

kizzycocoa wrote:
we hope to release the beta by sunday to our testers, and release the public beta on wednesday :D

And those are the best screenshots you can produce. Oh man.

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