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Portal:Access All Areas [WIP]

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due to the sheer size of the map, we have to delete 3 floors.
that means 83 goes down to 62.
it's a complete shame X((

Can't you have some maps in a different map file? So that you would load into the other maps like going though the chambers in Single player?
It might be a little annoying but at least you could keep those floors.

The square root of rope is string.
Solomon wrote:
Can't you have some maps in a different map file? So that you would load into the other maps like going though the chambers in Single player?
It might be a little annoying but at least you could keep those floors.

the map is so big, it took 3 hours to compile and I make the lift move in the destination map. I have tried to cut down as much as possible :S
ah well. we'll label all floors for a specific purpose. that way, it'll be easier :D

How large of a map is this, MB wise, or should I say GB? Because if it's as big as you claim, download time is going to be a killer.


jrlauer wrote:
How large of a map is this, MB wise, or should I say GB? Because if it's as big as you claim, download time is going to be a killer.


it isn't gig. I have a laptop that's nearing the end of it's life :?
therefore, compile time is slow X(
I'll check the other version (the final is STILL compiling :cry: )

size on disc:20.3 MB (21,356,544 bytes)
however, a LOT of rooms will link to that, so that will be the biggest one :3

I really can't wait to see this.

Remmiz wrote:
I really can't wait to see this.

nor can we XD

we are now working on the Aperture Laboratories self creating personalised super-linking super-hub.
in layman's terms, a massive hub designed to play bsps without the need of the developer console.
it has NEVER been done before, and can also be customisable, as we will include a 500x500 jpeg-turned-vtf next to the door. this will allow users to create pictures or words suited to make the custom level easily identifyable.
we will be the FIRST to have ever implemented such a technique into any map created. :D
it will support 40 levels, and will have backup textures to combat pink/black textures and a plain "in construction" bsp room. you will need to replace the bsp and the vtf to make it work. vtf2tga is also required to implement this.

still, just posting this to let you know of our newest idea :D

kizzycocoa wrote:
we are now working on the Aperture Laboratories self creating personalised super-linking super-hub.
in layman's terms, a massive hub designed to play bsps without the need of the developer console.
it has NEVER been done before, and can also be customisable, as we will include a 500x500 jpeg-turned-vtf next to the door. this will allow users to create pictures or words suited to make the custom level easily identifyable.
we will be the FIRST to have ever implemented such a technique into any map created. :D
it will support 40 levels, and will have backup textures to combat pink/black textures and a plain "in construction" bsp room. you will need to replace the bsp and the vtf to make it work. vtf2tga is also required to implement this.

still, just posting this to let you know of our newest idea :D

Remmiz wrote:

what can I do? due to viruses, I lost microsoft work :/

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