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Portal Doesn't Resume From the Saved Point

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Hey guys! I have a problem with my Portal game while playing some external games. This problem happened a few times before and I couldn't solve it until I reinstalled the whole Portal game. The game simply doesn't continue from the last saved point when I die. When I click a save point manually again nothing happens. So I have to start the map all over from the beginning every time I die. This problem only happens with external bonus maps, the regular Portal game works fine. And the problem is not with the maps themselves because they work fine again after I reinstall Portal. I don't want to reinstall the whole game every time this problem occurs. I posted this problem in many forums including steam forums but nobody was able to help me. I would appreciate it if you give me any idea on how to solve this problem. Reinstalling the whole game takes a whole day of my time with my slow connection. Thanks in advance.

Are you using quicksaves or are you pressing esc then saving?

Also, can you give us a few details about your computer? Operating system, background programs etc.

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

Hey, Whysopro. I press Esc and then save. When I check the "save" file in Portal files I can see the save point created there. But it doesn't work. When I check the console for an error log after trying to resume from a saved point it says "save file missing or invalid" or something like that. I have Windows Vista, Service Pack 2 of course. I don't usually run any other program while playing Portal.

Well, for me, occasionally some maps just won't save properly and I'll have to restart the map. It's only on certain maps and may be related to the map file name.

But if your problem is with all bonus maps, then I don't know what to tell you.

Hear the turret, for it is knell. It summons thee to heaven, or to hell.

Do you have any special setup for your save directory? Because what I am visualizing here, is that, you save, then the game says it's invalid...or missing. I think the missing part is what's happening.

It seems to me that files are getting misplaced somehow. Can you do a quick test for me?

1)Start a campaign map, then save the game.
2)Take note of the name of the save file that just got created.
3)Browse to your <steamname>/portal/save directory and check if that save file exists.
4)Now, start a bonus map, and once again save the game.
5)Take note, browse to your save folder and then check if THAT file is there.

Post your results. =)

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

Hello WhysoPro. I'm not sure about what you exactly mean by "campaign" and "bonus" maps. My problem is with the external, third party maps which are made by Portal fans, not the regular Portal game. Anyway, I tried to do what you said:

1)I started a map named "Collimation" and then saved my progress after a while.
2)I couldn't read the whole name of the save file because there were three dots at the end. Here it is:
3)I browsed <steamname>/Portal/save directory and saw 5 files created there with that saving action. Here are their names:
4)I started an advanced map from bonus maps of the regular Portal game. And saved my progress after a while. The name of the save point is "Test Chamber 18".
5) I browsed the save file and here are the 5 files created there:

Then when I tried to resume the game from the saved point of the advanced map it worked fine. But it doesn't resume from the saved point of the external map Collimation.

I didn't mess with any game settings as I'm not a professional and don't know what to do.

By the way if you have an instant messenger it would be much easier and faster to communicate and solve the problem. my msn address is :

I'm getting impatient to be able to play those Portal maps. Portal is the best game I know and no other game can replace it for me right now. Thanks.

Okay so it's not a directory issue or any files going in the wrong place. Somehow your game can't read it's own creation. o_0

I will do a bit of googling today.

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

Well, I already tried google with no hope but I'll be waiting for your results anyway as you are a professional.

Lol! I am a professional? This is quite the moment! :mrgreen:

I am no where near a professional. I just try to help as much as possible.

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o
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