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Portal Hate Vol. 01 (An IWBTG inspired portal map) [RELEASE]

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ultradude25 wrote:



man, now I found the time to take a look at the walkthrough and I must admit I have never seen such a terrible map (can this even be labeled as a map?)
if you think that open leaks are funny, then make your maps for yourself and don't release them to the internet. EVER. :idea:

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.


The Weighted Companion Cube will always threaten to stab you and, in fact is already getting out it's knife.

This was a fail. I'm making a note here, huge facepalm. It's hard to overstate my disappointment.

okay yeah guys.. I get it now.

I didn't want the leaks to be funny, I was sorta.. well whatev I'm gonna stop even bothering to explain it anymore. But it should be time some people realised the difference between good design, and just making something look pretty. (although most of the design in this isn't that great I'll admit, the only real bit you get to use the portalgun is at the end, in one of the solutions, where you have to implement a triple fling)

Anyway, I'm putting a lot more effort into my next map, with some intuitive puzzles, lighting.. but also some elements that surprise you, testing your reflexes because nothing really happens twice. Obviously, elements like spikes don't follow the classic 'portal' style.. but I like to think I'm making something original.

What a misdirection puzzle is all about is having a seemingly obvious solution, but it is never that easy, I add at least one new obstacle between your goal and the player, and it changes too, I'm trying to keep 'surprise' deaths to a minimum, and once you work out what to do, you should hopefully only die once or twice before getting it out.

Hmm... I'll share this idea with you I just had: There's a weighted storage cube that you gotta take with you to a button, with some turrets that'll shoot at you.. seems easy enough, but the turrets can break the box (making it explode) when they shoot it, so you need to find other ways to get it to it's destination.

Progress reports on my newest map can be seen on these vids:
If you don't want to ruin the surprise, only watch the first one though.

Tell me what you guys think ;)

Hi. I'm a game developer.

That's looking a lot better, but not hard enough.

To stay true to IWBTG, you have to make it extremely difficult even when you know what to do. By the looks of it, it is possible to do the whole map easily because you know what to do. Then again, you might piss people off if you make it too hard (ie., IWBTG)

Of course, this will NEVER be as hard because you can save any time you want.

About the cube, you could make it explode when you pick it up, forcing the player to use portals/push it.

I don't lag, I own so much it takes a few seconds for the server to figure out what the hell I just did.
appunxintator wrote:
About the cube, you could make it explode when you pick it up, forcing the player to use portals/push it.

Or use the Overweighted Storage Cube :idea: (this would be the first map to implement it afaik).

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.
appunxintator wrote:
About the cube, you could make it explode when you pick it up, forcing the player to use portals/push it.

I realize now that no idea is unique, I was hoping to use that in a map I am working on. Oh well guess I will have to find something else.

@appunxintator: I'll start it off easy and get harder, once people know sorta what the map's all about. Coz like.. noone will wanna play it if it's like iwbtg straight off.
I got dynamic spikes working.. so watch out :twisted:

Hi. I'm a game developer.
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