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Problem with hammer please help...

The portal 2 Map editor (Beemod) when I import the map into Hammer when I modify even just one wall panel it makes the floor seem intangible making The player fall into nothingness, not even equipped with the portal gun and don;t see any part of the designed map in the start. If you load it without making any hammer edits the maps work perfectly through hammer.
Havnt found any other posts with this problem please if you can help get in contact shortly.
Thank you for you time.

Please, when making a thread put a more describing title. That'll help find people to help you faster, and possibly people in the future who run in to the same problem find the solution in this thread faster ;)

@officialkyzka: Well, that sounds like it could potentially be anything! :D

I would bet for an incomplete compile. Can you please say how are you compiling your map? I mean, once you hit the F9 key, the "normal" compile window should pop up, and you should make sure that it looks close to this:


Have you got more or less the same ticked boxes and such?

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