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Problems in starting map making.

Sorry to ask a noobish question like this but I couldn't find any answer or guide that would show me what to do.

I'm just starting mapping and I have downloaded Hammer (3.4). I am going to make only Portal levels with it and I don't know how to put the textures to it. I have seen some guides but I just haven't understood them. Can someone maybe post a screenshot or something to show me exactly how the Configure Valve Hammer Editor-window needs to be?

My english is bad (think so) because I'm from Finland and I'm just 13.

Aperture Science Hand-Held Weighted Storage Companion Signature


New to mapping? Never used Hammer before? LOOK HERE!

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster

I already checked all those sites (and read that post you linked) but I didn't find any clear guide. If anyone knows one, can you link? : /

Sorry really

Aperture Science Hand-Held Weighted Storage Companion Signature


No problem m8, it's good that you searched in the first place.

I'm not sure if u tried this, but try to follow this and it might help you alot.

If this doesn't help, I don't know what will T_T

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.

Go to the tools-tab in your steam window, and download the Source SDK Base, the Source SDK Base - Orange box and the Source SDK, and then launch the Source SDK. In the window that pops up, select the Orange Box as engine version and Portal as game, double-click 'Hammertool' and you're ready to go.

This is a far better way to get Hammer set up than manual download.


"Duct Tape is the answer."

Oh thanks really! :>
I downloaded it with Source SDK and those textures were ready :>

Aperture Science Hand-Held Weighted Storage Companion Signature