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[PTI] Red WitCH

Overdue halloween chamber.

Edit of CH. Inspired by toncica's advanced solution, but a little less "dirty".

I'm warning you, it's a hard one, I think. I probably overlooked something stupid though whatever

Click here to download Red WitCH


INCREDIBLE little puzzle!! :thumbup:

Really well thought out and layered out, man! Loved it from the very beginning! Such a lack of elements in that empty (but somehow attractive) big chamber, and such a clever puzzle!! Congratulations! Awesome puzzlemaking! It's 2/2 of your maps that I love! Keep on making stuff like this, man!

I hope everything I did was as you intended, there is a tiny tricky step I'm not sure about, but if it's intended, this puzzle is simply an EPIC JEWEL!

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ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

Thank you! That trick actually was intended, but another, innocent-looking trick wasn't :P (grabbing the cube off of the glass panel)

I updated the chamber with an additional button which should fix it. Your solution is really close, though, the only reason I updated is because you made the toggle button almost useless :P

I like to make my pti puzzles look nice, yes :) glad to hear that it works! And thank you for playing :D
