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Purple shine (fixed)

hey guys, i have a small problem..

after compiling a portal map, everything appears to be normal but for some reason there is a strange purple effect whenever i move up real close to a wall.
it looks just like this:
it gets very ugly in dark/shadowy areas

im sure i followed NullSoldier's instructions perfectly (thanks to you btw, for making that thread 🙂 about configuring hammer to work with portal.

this only seems to happen with my map lol, all other custom/campain maps work perfectly. i decompiled some campain maps and ive noticed that theres some env_cubemap entities scattered around, so ive tried adding some to my own map but it still has that damn purple effect.

does anyone know what im doing wrong?

that happened to me when ever i alt-tab out of the game a bunch of times

i just rebooted portal to fix it

You have to build the cubemaps in another source game (hl2dm for example), as portal doesn't support cubemap building yet.


thanks man, i built the cube maps in hl2dm and now everything is working like it should be 😀