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[RELEASE] A Change of Plans

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*UPDATE 2.0* - I fixed some textures, no more having to break glass :wink: , and added an easter egg.

This is my second map ever created using hammer. It's a small but entertaining map with a new cube technique.
Download Here
Image :wink:

Buttons on ze wall is not new.

Or there is something else I have yet to see by playing.

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.

The Texture alignment could use some work.

CabooseJr wrote:
The Texture alignment could use some work.


This looks very boring.


Your map fails, you named it Map and you told it to load under a different name, which means it doesn't load and can't find the map you specified. Also "Map" fails to load in console too because of the name.
Did you intend to name them different?

This was a fail. I'm making a note here, huge facepalm. It's hard to overstate my disappointment.

I played it.

Too much relying on timing, too little on thinking. It was easy to figure out what to do, but it all came down on timing.

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.
ultradude25 wrote:
Your map fails


Your map from the pics needs work.. the floors should always line up with the walls. when I make maps, I use the floor as a guide. It also looks like it is too dark. Does it have a leak?

Also, (This may not be about your map) I'm really getting sick of people using Companion Cubes as a normal cube would just do fine..

:A Little Higher: :Tornate: :Blue Portals: :Vectronic: :Youtube: :Twitter: : ModDB: :Old Sig:

The more you give, the less appreciated it will be received.

The darkness of the pics is because my graphics card sucks and have to have all of the settings on low. I've played my map on a comp with better graphics settings and it looked a bit brighter. So that might have something to do with it.

Can i please say one thing about inconsistency? Why is it that the VERY first puzzle

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It's impossible for me to hate any map because i find it hard to critisize other peoples opinion, that being childish i think, but really i do hate some things about the map, one of which being when it seems that i've been missing the actual way to solve it all along, and that way for me is usually noclip.

That's why i liked the original Portal and the Flash Version Mappack, because it told you "Here's where you are, here's where you have to go, here's what should be done to get there, here's a portal gun, go crazy" i mostly liked it because it was constantly having more then one way to beat the map allowing creative thinking, and on maps like this where you absolutely must do something in a particular way, one that confused the living hell out of me at that, it makes me feel restrained. And in a Portal map that's something i hate the very most since the whole idea of Portal was to give the player freedom to figure out what he had to do and always provide a second way just in case.

I am so sorry for that outburst... i went in to full out rant mode without even thinking it, i stand by that opinion but i do apologise for the way i put it.

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