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[RELEASE] Accident Prone

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one thing I would like to suggest, to everyone actually but I noticed it in this map...

When making stairs, or anything you step up on, make an angular player clip brush. it makes it feel a lot smoother. :wink:

[insert visually obtrusive graphic or witty comment here]

Shmitz, were those the intended solutions for those puzzles in that youtube video? (Except the tether ball, of course)

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just curious.

Rivid31 wrote:
Shmitz, were those the intended solutions for those puzzles in that youtube video?

Essentially, yeah, the first two were more or less "correct". There's a quicker way to do the first one, if a little riskier, but if you're not going for any of the challenges, his way is just fine.

Also, I must really suck at jumping, because he pulled off some jumps I always failed at. -_-

Shmitz wrote:
Also, I must really suck at jumping, because he pulled off some jumps I always failed at. -_-

Other than the tetherball room?

Lorithad wrote:
In response to people saying they actually did something with the piston area:

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Same with me both ways with not portal, died once or twice but it seems more fun than using portals there...

I thought the ball thing is just to not allow the ball to leave a certin distance so I tried to use portals to keep it in the distance but still push the button. but
everytime I tried it killed me :|

After using god mod to not get killed I tried some more till I gave up :O

Anyway, really awsome map.

Made a small update to the map, mainly to get it compiled with the updated SDK, but also a few other minor additions/changes.

personally i found it to be easier once i got to the energy ball to just run straight through the pipes than to use portal tunneling

I actually did the second challenge a different and possibly quicker way than I have seen described in this thread...maybe its somewhere else, I haven't really looked.

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So, Shmitz, did you mean to make that a possible way of getting through that challenge?

Shmitz wrote:
Made a small update to the map, mainly to get it compiled with the updated SDK, but also a few other minor additions/changes.

Meh you ruined my shortcuts! :P

Anyways, I had to spend some more time in the big fling room to figure out what was needed. In the end it made a lot of sense (since I had to use more of the geometry) and

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which I hadn't tried before.

I don't like the tetherball room though. I hadn't actually solved it using the tetherball before so now that I had to it was just kinda annoying since the bounce was pretty unpredictable. I mean I could still just reset and try again, but it was timeconsuming and ultimately unsatisfying :S

Adair wrote:
So, Shmitz, did you mean to make that a possible way of getting through that challenge?

No, I think you found a good example of why we can't entirely abandon our noportal_volumes that we had to use before the SDK update. After removing them from the map, I didn't think to

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Still, pretty neat idea, and you were able to pull it off. I might leave it in there for now, until I make a sequel and have to update this map to include a changelevel.

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