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[RELEASE] Aldéz's Portal Prefabs

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yes this... are you a machine? jajaja
Thanks for your work, this help to many people, I included. Thousand thanks

Maybe you must include a elevator. Only is a opinion ;)

Glad I can help! :) And no, I'm not a machine, but I wish I was as ambitious and interested in school as in this. :wink:

When you say elevator, do you mean the platform that can move up/down? Because there are already two elevator prefabs in the collection. Either way, my plan for next release is to include that platform and the moving stairs. If you miss anything else, please tell me. Don't expect something soon though, I'd like to use these prefabs myself for a while. :wink: Havn't done any Portal mapping since the Februari contest. :(

Hey Aldez how about this things?

Sorry for my bad english.
I'm austrian :)

Uh, what :?:

I can't make the metal and the orange panel

Sorry for my bad english.
I'm austrian :)

I don't understand. What exactly is it you can't make?


Sorry for my bad english.
I'm austrian :)

Hmm, it seems like you have already made it? Have you used the prefab? Is it not moving? Have you read the documentation? Sorry, but I still don't understand what your problem is?

lol no this is test chamber 14.
i don't not what texture I should use for the metal and how I make it move.

Sorry for my bad english.
I'm austrian :)

Read the documentation. If you still don't understand, I'll try to explain.

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