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taco wrote:
Just played is again and noticed something that I somehow missed the first time through: you either don't have, or didn't correct build cubemaps.

Yeah, I have em hidden away in a visgroup in the .vmf because a couple of them were not behaving properly, so I did not compile them into this version's .bsp. ^_^ If I can get them all to reflect exactly as desired I will definitely build them into the next version. But you didn't notice on your first run, which pleases me greatly kekek^^ (can you tell that cubemaps have annoyed me? : )

Very cool map!
I really liked the big 2-floor room.

Very nice map, it felt like one that could have been made by valve to me.
I didn't run into any bug or showing nodraw textures, exept the reverse indicator lights that were already mentionned.
Plus the challenges give nice replay value to it. An A class map!

Thanks to Portal, someone's birthday is now the most feared day in the year...

This map was very well made, if I didn't know better, I'd think I downloaded a bonus map from Valve themselves. The puzzles were complex without being too difficult, a very good balance and and overall nice map =D


top-notch work there. i thoroughly enjoyed playing it. i especially liked the rocket puzzle. I'm not sure if i solved it "correctly" though, but it got the job done ;)

good job!


I like this map, well done :)

I noticed that the energyball can break glass, so it's possible to skip the rocket turret part. Probably that's harder than just using the rocket, but here is how it works.

Jaso wrote:
I noticed that the energyball can break glass, so it's possible to skip the rocket turret part. Probably that's harder than just using the rocket, but here is how it works.

It's a lot harder to do in LoveGlaDOS than Snakepit but even still, it seems to be a recurring issue :D

And for some reason, both times the Rocket Turret gets skipped XD


I really enjoy watching people beat the map in non-standard ways, even (especially) if it means skipping an entire section. That is, of course, as long as their method is harder and less obvious than the 'standard' method. ^_^

Question pertaining to this as a contest entry: When did you start work on this map?

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