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Jaso wrote:
Excellent map, I like it very much.
I uploaded my least portals strategy,

Hmm, carrying that thing around most of the time, now that we have the companion sphere/cube, now we need a companion camera! lol

Companion Camera... lol.
In a couple of maps I've seen, you have to break a camera to open a door, or make it stay open when you try to go through it.

I noticed a glitch in

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, if you throw both cubes into the goo in quick succession, the Vital Apparatus Vent only respawns one. Which makes the map almost impossible to complete if this occurs.

Warchamp7 wrote:
if I didn't know better, I'd think I downloaded a bonus map from Valve themselves

I agree. This map is as high a quality as what Valve could've made. The only thing missing was a Companion Cube :D Great job.

The Vital Apparatus Vent will deliver a Weighted Companion Cake in Three. Two. One.
*fifty cakes fall out*
Time out for a second. That wasn't supposed to happen.

This is an excellent map. Plenty of inventive puzzles and multiple solutions. Hope to see more. :)


I enjoyed this one, i would put it in the "average difficulty category" good fun and nice looking rooms. :wink:

Even the longest journey begins with a single portal

This map got Grax a job at Valve

This is why we need some kind of review/ranking system. Going to try this map later, didn't even know it existed.

@remmiz, Seriously o.0 Would be awesome if your not just being you.

Chamber 74: Speed Run, Least Portals
Affinity: Least Portals
Siiig wrote:
@remmiz, Seriously o.0 Would be awesome if your not just being you.

I'm serious. He now works at Valve.

Thats awesome.

Chamber 74: Speed Run, Least Portals
Affinity: Least Portals
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