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[RELEASE] Maybe Black Mesa

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yup. it can be a tough fling sometimes. definitely a tough map. Sorry this map frustrated some people. You should have seen how hard the jump was when I originally made it... lol. As for the voice thing, I did consider many options, but in the end, i didn't want it to sound like GlaDOS and settled on what it is. Similar to the old voice in HL1 that came on over the loudspeakers in black mesa.

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well, just finished it.
I had problems with the electric room.

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I didn't know what to do next, I tried more things, but with no luck; so I skipped this part over :cry:
I liked the idea and concept of this map, it is original. And the end was amazing :shock: :D
I had problems understanding the voices. I think subtitles would be essential.

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.

Oh, you're supposed to Rocket Turret the electrical boxes? *facepalm*

Anyway, it's a very cool map, and I LOL'd at

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. Which I flooded with Storage Cubes via the console. Which made the game lag so much that after I got through the tunnel, GLaDOS was stuttering: "He-he-hel-l-llo-o-o-o, a-a-a-nd-nd-nd a-a-aga-ga-ga-gain, we-we-we-welco-co-come to-to-to th-th-th-the-e-e-e-e En-En-En-Enric-c-c-c-cme-cme-cme-cme-cment-nt-nt-nt C-C-Cent-t-t-ter-r-r-r-r." (You needed to hear it to get it.) The map itself didn't lag; my flooding it with cubes lagged it. Good job making it, although a lot of portal shots were next-to-impossble.

The Vital Apparatus Vent will deliver a Weighted Companion Cake in Three. Two. One.
*fifty cakes fall out*
Time out for a second. That wasn't supposed to happen.

Didn't care for this one. It wasn't that hard I just don't care for the BTS maps. :(

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