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[RELEASE] MiniPuzzles - Cubelogy

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I finished my second map, Cubelogy, at least. I'm gained more skills, so this is more quality map, and there are cubemaps. This map includes new game-element too, there is more info in file description. And now there is my own made picture on MiniPuzzles folder. Map's gameplay is same kind of as PuzzleOne is. Same unique style. This includes one challenge too.




Why not put this one into the community mod thingy?


Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.

I liked it - not overly complicated, but made me step back and have to think about it... Good work!

Wow, That was the first map in a while that made me think. One thing though, you forgotten your aperture_ai or actor_ai. Other then that, nice work. :thumbup:

:A Little Higher: :Tornate: :Blue Portals: :Vectronic: :Youtube: :Twitter: : ModDB: :Old Sig:

The more you give, the less appreciated it will be received.

Thank you :D I think it is good without glados.

Another great map from you, made me actually think 8)
I missed glados when detaching a camera and that's all why it should be there, however, I didn't miss the glados quotes about "impossible chamber" etc, we all have heard them 100 times before, you know :)
Some walls should have been portalable, but they were not (use a nonportalable texture for them), and sometimes the portal bumpers were missing.
But, yeah, the puzzle was very interesting :wink:

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.

very good :D
i like it
it took me a little while to realise what the buttons did to the laser thing...

will there be an advanced version of this map?

I tried to make advanced but it was hard so i made challenge..

penapappa wrote:
I tried to make advanced but it was hard so i made challenge..

Make speed challenges!

You can use my time as a landmark:

I usually demorec the blind ride of every map i try, if you want it send me a private message.
(I'll stop recording if i die.)

Niice map, messed around a bit before I really understood what I needed to do.

Did you use portal bumpers? I had trouble placing portals at some locations.

I managed the 17 portals in my first try at the challange, but 14? that requires more thoroughly thinking

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.
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