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[Release] My first Puzzle map.

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Epsen, what is 4chan?

Well if you paid attention while walking through the map you would clearly see this button... it seems that you didn't even consider trying the walk through from the video. Also.. having to figure out the use of the exploding boxes to break both the glass and the large door quailifies as such, or are my standards, yet again over expectated?

You don't like my map because you could not figure it out, you don't like it because it stretches beyond your narrowing thinking margins when it comes to portal. Whether its the 80s or not... the best trisk are the old tricks...

Sure, There were two hard "hidden" aspects of my map... And I am sorry that they dont comform to YOUR idea of a portal map, lacking its "prettiness" It has playability. Tell me, would my map have been better if I clearly marked "Go here" and "then go here" all over the map? What fun is following directions like some robot... Part of the fun in any journey is figuring out how to get there. Or (and I am not being sarcastic) is it that todays generation of gamers are so used to being directed around that they don't even realize that they are tools?

Don't look forward to it... I will not make maps anymore.... not for "Portal" anyways.

i don;t know if you are serious or not, but if you are: don't pout man, at least go find a mapping community with less people you think are jerks. there are others out there.

I am not pouting, Its clear to me that if I don't follow their idea of how a portal map should be constructed than I am a lesser human being...

Interesting. I was wondering where phase 2 went. I solved this map without finding any 'secret button'.

Also, everybody has to calm down on these forums. Seems like more and more arguments are cropping up. Thats not the point of the community! Relax, have fun. Not everybody is going to like every map everybody puts out, so just roll with it. I thought the map was good, but maybe a little more detail work could have been implemented.

Thats because I fail at making maps correctly, and apparently I fail at making challenging maps using ideas that are obviously beyond the scope of what constitutes as a portal map.

The Version that is out there, I accidently left "touching opens" flags on two of the doors.

...dude gtfo you are nuts.

You put zero and I mean zero clues to tell people that there was a secret button. What do you think were just going to run around and hit use? You have to follow established norms of the game. Secret buttons were not apart of the game and therefore people don't expect to have to spend their time just randomly clicking around in hopes of finding one.

Here's the thing remove the hidden button's and instead make it a puzzle/challenge to activate them, very simple. Other than that your map isnt a portal map its a scavenger hunt without direction.

[quote]...dude gtfo you are nuts. [/quote]

I must be...

[quote]You put zero and I mean zero clues to tell people that there was a secret button[/quote]

The button is a different color from the rest of the wall.

AND WTF is the point of a secret button if I tell people about it?


Dude... Learn to accept criticism and try again, but this time release the map in the Work In Progress forum for early comments on certain aspects on your map before you release a full version.

Sanity is not statistical.

How about... NO... I FAIL, GET OVER IT.

That and you need to uncheck "disable bbcode in this post"...

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