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Jaso you are a portal god. Your solution for the third room was awesome and completely different to all the solutions i came up with.
Well done mate that was impressive :D

mazk, sorry for taking so long about this. Post a screenshot you want me to use as the Community Spotlight and I'll add it. Thanks.

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Jaso wrote:
Here's a video of 10 portals:
have fun :D

i will not watch this... yet. i want to try to either: A) Tie 10, or B) Destroy 10...
today was my last day for the work week. so i got 3 days...
Just got a new Wii, so, between LoZ: Twilight Princess, GH3, and family i'll see what i can do :P

do NOT click this

No worries msleeper. TFV portal maps needed some time in the spot to justify the great effort that went into it.

Anyways here's the screenie:


Thanks dude :D

EDIT: rellik LoZ twilight princess is awesome. its the best zelda after ocarina of time and my most favourite, link to the past. mario kart wii is pretty good too but its great when your wii is online.

Done. I edited the first post a bit, feel free to change it as you see fit.

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i made a speed run for the advanced version of that map, if you want to watch this, you can find that here:

I usually demorec the blind ride of every map i try, if you want it send me a private message.
(I'll stop recording if i die.)

as always infernet89: sick. completely sick. only thing that fucked your run was that damn elevator ;)

do NOT click this

Fine. I won't put elevators in the middle of a map. Point taken :)

Nice map! It's real fun to play.

The second energy pellet puzzle on Advanced is a little tricky though... I solved it by luck :D

In the same room on advanced, I couldn't get the camera destroyed by it's fizzler in the middle of the puzzle. (so not the one on the end)

Very fun to play and I'm looking forward for more PMK's :D

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.

Thanks to everyone for the comments.

I will release a v1.1 soon with the following changes:

1. Adjust the fizzlers to include the cameras and fix any other fizzler problems I can spot.

2. Remove the middle elevator so the map is one continuous chamber (challenge targets will be adjusted to account for the change in layout)

and 3. Adjust the second energy pellet puzzle on advanced so that it can be solved with less luck but with a similar solution.

Please let us know if I should include changes 2 and 3 or if you'd rather not see those changes as you've already completed the map/challenges

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