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[RELEASE] PMK Map Pack 1

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mazk1985 wrote:
Once there, open advanced.bns with notepad and change "1" to "0" where it says "lock". Do this each map entry.

Thanks, that worked.

mazk1985 wrote:
Firstly, thank you all for your great support. I'm truly flattered that you enjoyed my maps.


Damn. Finally got ALL 9 golds for PK1, 2 and 3. and this has made me come to 2 relizations:

1) you sir are a good, and considerate mapper (what with making advanced chambers, AND challenges, and mini-challenges (aka: the extras)


2) You sir are a real bastard! Damn those challenges were hard!

great work.
look forward to more!

do NOT click this

nice one rellikpd

I didn't know how hard to make the challenges for them to be difficult enough for satisfaction and easy enough so people wouldn't give up in frustration.

I would very much like to know if you (or anyone) thought the challenge targets were fair or if any of them were low or high. That would really help me out for the next map pack which due to the support I believed I had to start :P

[fanboy] I absolutely love mapping for this game. Maps I made for other games rarely got finished and I don't know if its the easier to map clean focused look or the possibility to create very unique puzzles that has me hooked. To be fair I think its just because Portal is awesome and is pretty much the closest to perfect game I've ever played [/fanboy]


mazk1985 wrote:
nice one rellikpd

I didn't know how hard to make the challenges for them to be difficult enough for satisfaction and easy enough so people wouldn't give up in frustration.

I would very much like to know if you (or anyone) thought the challenge targets were fair or if any of them were low or high. That would really help me out for the next map pack which due to the support I believed I had to start :P

[fanboy] I absolutely love mapping for this game. Maps I made for other games rarely got finished and I don't know if its the easier to map clean focused look or the possibility to create very unique puzzles that has me hooked. To be fair I think its just because Portal is awesome and is pretty much the closest to perfect game I've ever played [/fanboy]


well for me, i think the puzzles had the exact right ammount of challenge-to-ease ratio, i think had they been any easier i woulda beat them the first or second try and been like "well this was fun", BUT: as they are, i would finish a challenge and have (especially in the time and portal challenges) Like. ah crap, 5 seconds? i lost by 5 seconds???? FUG IT! I can shave 5 seconds off! and play like 50 more times... it was great. and when i DID finally beat the challenges i felt like i really accomplished something. some of the challenges "SEEMED" impossible (read: pk2-advanced) but... i could tell. that with enough retries it would be possible, so don't think anything should be changed. spot on man.

good work fanboi :p

do NOT click this

Awesome. Cheers mate

Great puzzles! One of the best maps I've played so far.

Made Logic Portals in early 2008. Making diportals in 2011.
Author of Minecraft mods (MAtmos, Minaptics, NoteSlider) and Garry's Mod addons (Gunstrumental, SharpeYe, GarryWare, DepthHUD).

Found a small glitch in your maps, in the third level in the first chamber, with the portal-hopping to get up the edge, the concrete sticks out a tiny bit allowing you to walk over it. On the screenshot the player is pointing at the metal above it. Just below is the concrete where one can walk over. This is the case at both sides.


"Duct Tape is the answer."

Loaded up hammer to check it out and the wall is completely flush, the only thing thats sticking out is a portal bumper which I thought didn't clip the player. I tried it on a different map and I can't stand on it. Very odd.

If I solve it I'll think about updating the pack to fix all the current bugs.

On a different note. I would like it if the person who rated my maps a 6/10 could step forward to let me know what they didn't like so I can avoid it in the future. It would be a great help as is every comment I've recieved so far.


EDIT: on closer inspection they weren't bumpers. they're both func_detail which explains why you can walk across and still fire portals right up to the edge of the concrete. I shall begin squashing all the bugs and I will release an update

mazk1985 wrote:
On a different note. I would like it if the person who rated my maps a 6/10 could step forward to let me know what they didn't like so I can avoid it in the future. It would be a great help as is every comment I've recieved so far.

It's probably just jealousy on someone's part. Your maps are so good I cant think on anyone rating them below 9.

Thank you muchly for the great compliment

I hope thats not true about someone doing it out of jealousy. Pretty crappy if it is but its no big deal anyway.

Just to let you know, I took damatman's advice (from mAL) and I've made good headway into a new map which expands the red and blue door idea on extra 5. Extra 5 was originally pmk 2 and it had another room where the exit is now on extra 5. The room had a basic ball puzzle with red & blue doors. As it turned out it was pretty boring cos you hardly had to use the portal gun so I canned that room and just left the first puzzle in which became extra 5.
In between the new map I'm going to go through all the maps for pack 1 to optimise the lightmaps as much as possible so I can release v1.2 as a single pack on mAL. Hopefully the lighting will still look alrite afterwards.

The current bugs I'm aware of atm are:
- PMK 3 & Advanced has walkable walls in the first room
- PMK 2 & Advanced has a goo pit with no reflections or mist
- Extra 2 & 6 have exit doors which can be opened by touching them

If there are any other bugs please could you let me know so I can hopefully release a final version


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