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[RELEASE]Portal: The Flash Version mappack

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uXs wrote:
The only thing I didn't really like was the
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Completely agree. I had to use a "god with noclip" cheat to knock all the turrets down. And then I saw the way out (I thought the way out is through the door).
Now, as a whole, this was awesome, it was as long (if not even longer) as the original game. For me, the last puzzle was not so confusing, I actually liked it pretty much.

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Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.

The cake room idea is to just wait when GLaDOS tells you to not move.
Then you just shoot behind the fans and beneath your legs.
You have about 5 second to do that, only then the turrets activates.
After I saw some vids and comments of people who played the map I understand how unclear the idea is.
My beta testers are idiots.

Massive Spoiler Alert, for both the PFV Mappack and the original game!

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"Duct Tape is the answer."

I have been stuck in this map pack for -weeks-. I'm in the

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I've tried everything that I can think of and it hasn't worked. Is there a specific trick to this? Someone send me a PM or post the answer here or something?

Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty.

^ I couldnt figure this out either. unfortunately, I had to noclip up there

cornontheCoD wrote:
^ I couldnt figure this out either. unfortunately, I had to noclip up there

D: don't tell me that... I've been enjoying this map so long... when something becomes bloody impossible, when it means I -have- to cheat to get past it... that drops my opinion of it sharply. I'd rather it just be that I suck.

In my opinion a puzzle should be -hard- to figure out, easy to actually -do- once you've figured out what to do. After I go '...hey, I think i've figured it out' it should take at most 7 or 8 tries to solve it, or I should realize that I'm headed up a dead end. I remember a map pack I downloaded where -what- I had to do was easy to figure out, there could have been flashing neon signs saying 'GO HERE' and then to actually DO it it took me more than 50 tries. I deleted it before I finished the second chamber. A puzzle should not be solved by 'you are standing in -just- the right location before you do this, down to the pixel, and you jump into the portal at -just- the right angle, and you have to take 3 billion tries to get it right.

Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty.

Stand on the the block beneath the box dropper, make a blue portal exactly in the center. then place a yellow portal on the ceiling somewhere in the room, get into the blue on, while falling in mid are open a yellow portal beneath your legs and fly all the way up into the box dropper.

Hen7 wrote:
Stand on the the block beneath the box dropper, make a blue portal exactly in the center. then place a yellow portal on the ceiling somewhere in the room, get into the blue on, while falling in mid are open a yellow portal beneath your legs and fly all the way up into the box dropper.

Dunno if i tried that... :/ thanks! I go try now.

Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty.


You should be thinking with portals.

It's really amazing how you can do a map the wrong way... I remember I once jammed a door with a box to complete the level, I just couldn't think of a way to finish it properly... Portal requires a weird way of thinking, no wonder you were stuck there for weeks.


"Duct Tape is the answer."

I suppose I should note spoilers are in these imagelinks. ... v40000.jpg ... v40001.jpg ... v40002.jpg ... v40003.jpg

I had to watch a video walkthrough to find this.

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Edit: I just finished it! I love it sooo much. Hen wins several billion internets for all the production and hard work that obviously went into this. Even though my spoiler is still true.

Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty.
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