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[RELEASE]Portal: The Flash Version mappack

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Re: the Borealis

When I was poking around the folders installing it, I'm pretty sure I saw a model for that included in the rar. There's no precedent for such things, but it seems it would likely be reasonably considered fair use.

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster

EP2 and EP1 are not required only HL2 and Portal, everything else is already included in the pack.
Cyclone, yeah I know there are some problems here and there, but when you have a 40+ levels map, expects some glitches, my beta testers never told me about stuff like the stuff you mentioned.
But anyway, I'm planning on making the mappack as a MOD, with a V2 of the maps, fixing by everything that the community said about it + advance hard versions of the maps.

Hen7 wrote:
But anyway, I'm planning on making the mappack as a MOD, with a V2 of the maps, fixing by everything that the community said about it + advance hard versions of the maps.


that sir, would be pure asskickery.

btw: welcome to the Spotlight ;)

do NOT click this

This "map" - more like a complete product - is unreal. I swear this was done by the makers of portal as a fun side project of sorts, I find it hard to believe it was done by one person. Valve needs to hire this guy.

Yeah, there's some rough spots, but overall if someone told me this was a beta for Portal 2 as a storyline of another person in the complex

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, I could have believed it.

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I've only been playing for about an hour, i stopped to get some sleep on the level with the companion cube (yay!) but so far i found only one problem. In a previous chamber in which two buttons are under a red barrier, so you can only throw cubes down onto them, when the cube dispenser breaks and you go up to unjam it, i was jumping around in that tube for quite a few minutes before it finally all fell out, and for a while i felt like i was trapped and i was trying to pull the cubes up out of the way, which of course didn't work since i was standing on them.

portal_party wrote:
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what you do is:

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[some stuff]

hey there fishy, if you want to hide some text try using

Code: Select all
[spoiler]TEXT YOU WANT TO HIDE[/spoiler]

and i too had a little annoyence with that

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i was jumping around for awhile until everything EVENTUALLY
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but nothing that didn't atleast make since. it was kinda obvious (to me) that the
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do NOT click this
MOST people would try to solve it that way instead of just
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I guess I'm not most people :P

I don't lag, I own so much it takes a few seconds for the server to figure out what the hell I just did.

I hate to have to ask for this, but... walkthrough plz!

I feel like an idiot trying to play through these downloaded maps the rest of you seem to have no problems solving. Having to resort to noclip just to see what the next room looks like is more than a bit lame. Seriously, how DO you guys do it? Is there some magic button that slows things into 'bullet-time' to allow for amazing feats of mid-fling portal-shooting while flying upside-down and sideways at the same time the camera is trying to auto-right itself? Because if that's what solving these puzzles takes, I'm truly in awe of your collective 'mad skillz'.

All that being said, this truly is an excellent (series of) maps. I just wish they didn't make me feel like such an idiot. :)

<this signature says something else when you're not looking at it>

This is brilliant. I think there has been enough positive and negative things said about this map so I'm going to ask a technical question:

How did you make the

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. It appears to have AI and it can move around independently so I don't know how you would have done this without actually making a mod and programming it as an entity. If this is just one extremely complex Hammer prefab then its amazing what you managed to do without coding.

Also just a small thing, you should have made the

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in a modelling program. It is harder than just making it Hammer but it's not extremely hard and it would look so much better. And (I'm being picky here) I found that there were a lot of lights in the map that had no fittings, there was no reason why a certain area should be lit because there was nothing casting light in it. I guess after making such a massive map pack it would be really annoying to have to put all light fittings everywhere though.

This was a mammoth effort though and you've definitely created an experience not just a map so, congratulations!

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