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[RELEASE]Portal: The Flash Version mappack

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Wow, Absolutely loved this mappack. I felt that it was an entire new game on par with the professional portal game. :D

I personally don't think there was any flaws in the game. I thought it was the perfect mappack. I admire your efforts and can truly say you are a god of portal. 8)

Took me around 2hours 45 mins to complete, and loved every bit of it. The music and voices were well chosen, and the intricate storyline was brilliant. I'm proud to say i didn't cheat at all (honestly some people!) :P

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Congratulations on an epic release. I would reccomend speaking to valve to have it put on as a mod, or just in the news. This deserves publicity.

?But there?s no sense crying over every mistake.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake!?

several people have said "i have no complaints/negative things to say" or "oh yeah i didn't notice [Minor Annoyance Here] until i replayed it/someone else bitched about it" i think thats the thing about this map. its design is so solid, and its fun factor is so high that, yes, you can find things wrong with it (in the least sense of the word) but usually not until you play the thing again, or a time or two. i plan to eventually replay the whole thing to try to find such "wrongness" not in an attempt to break the map down negatively but to hopefully add some constructive critisism to my already completely positive reviews. even the valve retail maps have "errors" and such from time to time if you replay them a few million times (such as i have) but rarely (if ever) see people bitching about them. but only "USER" maps (such as this) that are so good people seem to NEED to find the things that are wrong.

i want to take this opportunity to say thanks again for dedicating yourself to making this thing, i know it HAD to consume a good part of your life. so thanks again. and seriously go out and promote this thing, get in touch with valve, it could put you somewhere. Ever see Narbacular Drop? that was a flaming bag of dog shit visually (and puzzle wise to imo) and look at those guys now. they are katrillionbillionaires!

do NOT click this

Im sure he will be making some fixes to some of the bugs, so let us be patient ;).

Fusion, the robot is a lot of func_tanktrains and a lot of func_doors parented to each other that moves on path_tracks.
rellikpd, I sent the map to Gabe Newell and to Jeep Barnett (Portal team)
Gabe haven't answered but Jeep did, he told me he loved the map, about some flaws and how to deal with them, he even sent me a demo file of him playing the whole thing from the start to finish. A really awesome guy.
Like PortalFan77 said, I'm noting everything people says, and fixing them, expect a v2 of the maps, and adv maps in Portal: The Flash Version MOD.

no way that you did this by yourself. it had to be a team.

someone asked "how long did it take you, a year?"

think about it. portal hasnt even been out for a year, let alone the flash version. :shock:

and about the boat: did you make that? I noticed in the files it is called mini-borealis. I dont see why valve would call it that, so Im thinking you made one yourself.

I had to noclip through a few areas, but it is a great map pack. most notably the part where you have to go up the tube. I tried so many times until ZI just said screw it and followed the red arrow into the ventilation. Im stuck in the room with the 1-5 symbols above the door. I dont know where to go after going and getting the two buttons in the ceiling. I have a total of 3 buttons pressed, and I dont know how to open the opening for the fizzler ball.

great use of the cubes as shields.

elt wrote:
I hate to have to ask for this, but... walkthrough plz!

I feel like an idiot trying to play through these downloaded maps the rest of you seem to have no problems solving. ...

You're not the only one who's got a problem with this pack.

I've actually been stuck in about the 3rd room, right after you have to duck the first time, just because I didn't duck while falling ..

Hen7 wrote:
Fusion, the robot is a lot of func_tanktrains and a lot of func_doors parented to each other that moves on path_tracks.

As I said before, absolutely brilliant. I never realised someone could create such intricately scripted things in Hammer.

elt wrote:
I hate to have to ask for this, but... walkthrough plz!

I feel like an idiot trying to play through these downloaded maps the rest of you seem to have no problems solving. Having to resort to noclip just to see what the next room looks like is more than a bit lame. Seriously, how DO you guys do it? Is there some magic button that slows things into 'bullet-time' to allow for amazing feats of mid-fling portal-shooting while flying upside-down and sideways at the same time the camera is trying to auto-right itself? Because if that's what solving these puzzles takes, I'm truly in awe of your collective 'mad skillz'.

All that being said, this truly is an excellent (series of) maps. I just wish they didn't make me feel like such an idiot. :)

Practice is all it needs - This one doesn't have any difficult portal flinging requirements. And you make auto-righting happen in your favour or not at all, depending on how you enter a portal.
This map is all about the puzzles, and I think it does amazingly! Top work.

Hen7 wrote:
You can play the pack, but get ready to see a lot of ERRORS and missing textures.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to finish it though without HL2 installed. I'm stuck at a point where

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Awesome map though!


nice gonna play them now

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