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[RELEASE] PuzzleOne

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I keep it like it is

I made a walk-through for anyone interested.
Didn't do it fast so people can see what to do.

How do you embed videos?

This was a fail. I'm making a note here, huge facepalm. It's hard to overstate my disappointment.

Okay guys, final version is now out. It includes advanced version too. Read from file description what final version keeps inside (UPDATE 3) And yes, it includes black cube and gun, but i haven't made them. Say what you think :)


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Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.

I still got a missing texture (the wireframe thing) in the main room where the camera is.

Otherwise, great map and the advanced chamber was a nice challenge without being too difficult.

I don't lag, I own so much it takes a few seconds for the server to figure out what the hell I just did.
haaaha, funny reverse psychology thingy

I got readme idea from glados fight :)

I still got a missing texture (the wireframe thing) in the main room where the camera is.

okay, I fix it and then it is FINAL! release, but now to school :(

very nice

i like the advanced map... :D
it was only after completing the advanced one that i was able to figure out how to do the easier one... lol
(i didnt watch that tutorial because my internet has gone really slow and it wouldnt load that video... lol)

i await the next installment... lol


i say "lol" lots in forums... :p

I see :D

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