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[RELEASE] Remmiz Test Chamber 2

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This is the second installment of the Remmiz Test Chamber series. This one is a bit harder than the first and contains some more advanced Portal techniques. Included is both a challenge and regular version of the map.

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Download (v1.0)

EDIT: Release. Thanks for the help guys!

downloaded, going to play it later.

Sanity is not statistical.

Its pretty good.


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is brilliant, took me a few minutes to work it out and once I had it felt good :) very nice puzzle.

The fling room isn't too hard to figure out but tricky to do.


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!!!! :( I wen't through the portal and didn't see the box dropper and got hit by a box and died. The second button has some of the indicator strips that don't change colour. Other than that, another excelent puzzle (only took me 4 minutes-ish to figure out and do)

Also, I played through the first one again, and you need to link the two maps so when you finish map 1 it goes straight to map 2


Chamber #1:
Descent puzzle, although I pissed my off when the

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missed because my portal was at
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. Use a func_portal_orientation on the
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Chamber #2
Confusing. At first it wasn't clear to me what those

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did. Your signs need to be clearer here. Also, in the official maps, the
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Chamber #3

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Chamber #4
The best out of the four rooms. An enjoyable experience where the apparatus does what you expect it to do and the puzzle isn't overly hard or frustrating. I see no need to change this room.

Challenge: Portals
Managed 21. Seems like reasonable portal values. Haven't tried the other two, mostly because

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Sanity is not statistical.

Yeah in the first room not sure if its how its suppose to go but I just bounched the ball off the curved strut and it eventually landed into the catcher.

In the 2nd room better signs I think would make it more understandable, give the player a better sense of direction, or perhaps adding a button to the other side of the 1st floor to close the doors there instead.

The fling room was way too easy, you can make it harder with ease, maybe higher and longer...

The last room was pretty good no complaints the time is just right.

the fling room is easy, just put a portal on the 2nd, then jump from it down placing a portal, then I will fly to the wall then down. Another portal and then I can just fly like that endlessly, gaining speed then placing a portal on the first (lowest) one. I also got stuck several times, but I have noclip bind on a key. I made a playerclip brush on top of the angled surfaces on my maps to get stuck less often

-= Check out my maps: workshop, and their .vmf sources: homepage =-

didnt really like this map. The art is flawless, it really reminds me of one of the official maps, but imo the puzzles are boring and too easy to figure out. Plus i'm starting to grow tired of these "divided-by-rooms" maps. Why dont you create a big level where you have to use elements from the first puzzles to also resolve the last ones? Take that Sidewinder map for example:

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In that one, you really have to think outside of the "rooms". I hope you can accomplish something similar in your later maps because clearly the talent is there. I dont mean to be harsh, but thats what i think: the graphics were flawless, but the puzzles... far from it :(
I hope for your next map.

My next map is planned to be a Companion Cube one and it will work a bit like you are saying. You go through a couple room without the Companion Cube and once you get it, you start from the beginning and the puzzles are completely different now that you have the CC.

And thanks for all the comments/criticism. This is why people do betas, right? :D

Remmiz wrote:
My next map is planned to be a Companion Cube one and it will work a bit like you are saying. You go through a couple room without the Companion Cube and once you get it, you start from the beginning and the puzzles are completely different now that you have the CC.

that would be awesome! I really like the concept. I offer myself to help you betatest it if you want :)

Just finished your map. first time gave me some trouble... but I enjoyed it none-the-less

Working on the challenges

Portals: 15
Steps: 96
Time: 1:29

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