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[RELEASE] Remmiz Test Chamber 3

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It lives for another day! Dun dun dun! Just kidding but thanks for letting me know Dooms.

I assume by "beta" you meant "WIP", so moved to the right board.

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msleeper wrote:
I assume by "beta" you meant "WIP", so moved to the right board.


Ah, very nice to play.

Just a note:

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Also, one stupid thing I've done on my maps is to make some parts of the map bended so that the cube can never be perched somewhere we can't catch. I also put a vphysics motion volume to simulate a loss of friction. Maybe you can do that, but I know it is completly stupid to break the 45 degree angles of a classic architectural design of Portal.

Nice work here, fun to play, I didn't play your Remmiz 2 before today downloading level 3, when I downloaded the 3 and started the bonus map window, I've seen that the 2 was missing so I downloaded it and played, very resourceful too. Every of your maps seem to be the continuation of Portal, just because your levels are long and they have got many signatures, like never seen flings and ball courses.

Made Logic Portals in early 2008. Making diportals in 2011.
Author of Minecraft mods (MAtmos, Minaptics, NoteSlider) and Garry's Mod addons (Gunstrumental, SharpeYe, GarryWare, DepthHUD).
Hurricaaane wrote:
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Also, has anyone

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Remmiz wrote:
Also, has anyone
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I did.

umm your actually able to trap yourself after the fling ball puzzle.. well i couldnt get my cube back because i placed the wrong portal in the main room. :cry: so in order to get up back there i need the cube to stand on the button so the fling thing comes out -.-

Hey, I did see the secret room, but completely forgot about it once I solved the puzzle in that room. I have a fun little idea for you, since I enjoyed it so much (the hidden room):

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pestchamber wrote:
umm your actually able to trap yourself after the fling ball puzzle.. well i couldnt get my cube back because i placed the wrong portal in the main room. :cry: so in order to get up back there i need the cube to stand on the button so the fling thing comes out -.-

wait, what? i have no idea what you are talking about here.

Remmiz wrote:
wait, what? i have no idea what you are talking about here.

same here :|

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