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Not a really long map, or hard for that matter, but it's my first ever map. Tell me what you think.

Map DL and screenshot> dload.php?action=file&file_id=275

Why did you upload it to RapidShare and not to [url]]here?[/url]
Rapid is a slow shit of a site if your aren't registered and why would you register to it and pay monies when you can use plenty of better FREE sites?

Edit: Just played this map, this is now the worst map (without leaks) that I have seen.
You start off with the portal gun, you are just there not arriving in an elevator or coming out of the sleeping pod. Fix that. This map is WAY too dark and there are heaps of areas that need to be lit up. When you get to the elevator in the end GLaDOS says "We both know that isn't going to happen" which is a stupid line to say when there is an elevator placed for you to go into then GLaDOS says that it isn't going to happen, so why would they both having an elevator there?
Another thing at the end, after she says that the screen fades to black but the map doesn't end. Once I actually started getting hurt for no reason then died and the map started over.
The click Mouse1 to shoot a blue portal is a stupid thing to say when you just got the portal gun upgraded to shoot orange/yellowish ones. Not to mention that it never goes away.
The secret button that opens that wall if you stand near the wall and it opens or closes your view will move too this is a problem with Portal I think but you should redesign the map so that you can't get close enough for that glitch to happen.
The pedestal with the orange portal gun just randomly sinks into the ground which looks like a fake-o-rama.
This map refuses to show up in Bonus Maps and since it isn't a bmz you can't import it, that means you have to run this map using console.

Fake looking pedistal.
Dark walls are dark.
Game won't end, note that you can STILL see that message about how to place blue portals.

Seeing all these things makes me wonder if you actually played your map before releasing it, I know it is your first but you don't seem to have really tried making it look great and play great.

This was a fail. I'm making a note here, huge facepalm. It's hard to overstate my disappointment.

1. I didn't have access to it.
2. I didn't register to rapidshare. Don't assume things.
3. I edited my first post to have the forum link.

This is the type of stuff you only release to yourself.

I ended up forgeting to put an entrance elevator at the start when I continued working towards the end. (should've done that first.)
I'll work on these problems on my next map, which will actually be one. This was more of me seeing if I was capable of doing stuff as Remmiz pointed out. The end elevator was a lure to make you think it was possible to beat it, more of a trick from glados to kill you. I find it wierd the map didn't end or why the portal gun message never went away. I don't know how I would fix those as I already put the game_end trigger at the death point and the message is supposed to fade away as it did on mine. The pedestal and the lights are both problems which can easily be fixed. Thanks for telling me.

Haven't tested this map, as I don't have Portal installed atm.

However, I can tell you that this is not release quality, purely by the screenshots and comments.

Bad texture alignment is one of my pet hates in maps, and your screenshots show that your map is plagued by this problem. A texture should never end half way through itself, particularly when mapping for a game like Portal, where most of the common textures are pretty grid-like. It's sloppy, and shows a lack of effort on the mapper's part.

Also, your lighting needs a lot of work. Play through the original game and look around, for tips on nice looking lighting techniques.

I'll leave the others to comment on the gameplay. :roll:

NocturnalGhost wrote:
However, I can tell you that this is not release quality, purely by the screenshots and comments.

Bad texture alignment is one of my pet hates in maps, and your screenshots show that your map is plagued by this problem. A texture should never end half way through itself, particularly when mapping for a game like Portal, where most of the common textures are pretty grid-like. It's sloppy, and shows a lack of effort on the mapper's part.

Can't agree more.
I wouldn't assume it is without leaks. The lighting looks so crappy I am sure there are leaks. Find them, fix them and your lighting will look much better :idea:

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.
Mek wrote:
Can't agree more.
I wouldn't assume it is without leaks. The lighting looks so crappy I am sure there are leaks. Find them, fix them and your lighting will look much better :idea:

I like how you automatically assume there's leaks because of bad lighting. You're a regular Sherlock Holmes. There are no leaks.

Sythes wrote:
I like how you automatically assume there's leaks because of bad lighting. You're a regular Sherlock Holmes. There are no leaks.

Then fix the bad lighting >_>


I fixed the following problems in my map.
1. Fixed lighting issues.
2. Game can now end.
3. Portal hint HUD is no longer there.
4. Cameras will fall off now.
5. Fixed some of the textures.
6. You now start out of an elevator.
7. Gun pedestal no longer just 'sinks into the ground'.
Check the dl page for it.

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