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[RELEASE] Shmitzchamber

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Player1 wrote:
Hehe. I've found a much faster way :)

You know, while that's definitely not intended, it's so crazy awesome there's no way I'm taking it out.

Version update!. Beta 0.2.0 is released, link in the original post. Please download and try to break it as much as you can, particularly in finding spots you shouldn't be able to put portals. Additionally, the angle of the launching platform in Trajectory has changed slightly. It's less than a degree, but I still need to find out if that has any significant impact on the fling.

Also, try out the challenges and let me know if I need to tweak those numbers (particularly steps, I just guessed for those).

Didn't try the challenges yet, but the map itself is very close to perfection.

Lots of great stuff :D

Starting to work hard on challenges now.

Yeah, I played it last night when Shmitz linked it on IRC.

I don't think I had played it for quite a long time. I think I actually played it before I joined thinkingwithportals. Because I know that I had done the

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But The first room seemed entirely new to me. So did many of the rooms afterward.

All in all, it took me about 2 and a half hours to figure it out. This map truly makes you think differently.

Funny that I was never really pissed off with the map, more of just wondering how to do it properly.

The one thing that I think I did wrong: (I know I shouldn't say anything cause it's hard enough as it is, but..)

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Trivial, I know. But if you're intent on making the player struggle through out the entire map, then it's something to alter.

Challenges are fun!

However, there is something you may want to fix, is that the map ends too fast for you to see the Gold reward. Basically, you see Bronze, Silver, then fade.

Also, according to your .bns, Gold Portals should be at 28 (had to look at the .bns to know the map requirements for Gold, which isn't good :?). I got 30 on my 1st attempt however, I was given a score of 0, which certainly is worth Gold :shock:


So, yeah, right now, whatever your score is, you get 0 and gold and can go your merry way.

I believe it is because the map fades too fast, the game doesn't record the score before all of the challenge animation finishes. So, you're given a 0, but you finished the map, so the game goes "Whoo, you won the map!!!1!".

Might wanna fix that!

Portals is great.


Smack dab at the minimum, and I tried hard finding other ways. however, 50 and 40 portals are a bit too much, hehe. I'd go with 40-34-28 for Bronze-Silver-Gold.

Steps is funnier.


That was the 1st attempt, a bit sloppy. 200 is certainly possible. 420-310-200 would be my choice for steps.

Time is fine, although a bit easier than expected. Using saves I can manage it, which is the weak point of a large map. Time balance between skilled and weaksauce is good, although 9 minutes is a bit extreme. Yes, I'm aware that I made a 10 minutes video, but I went slow on purpose.

Here's the time I managed with a segmented run, redoing mistakes.


So, I guess it's good. But since 3:30 is very possible (It still is far from perfect), if you feel like adding a challenge you might want to bump the time down. 3:15 is very possible.

Considering this is a map targetted at crazy players, I'd pick these scores.

Portals: 40-34-28
Steps: 200-310-420
Time: 3:15-5:30-7:45

Now don't don't go around and say I'm not helpful!

BlackSphinx wrote:
Portals: 40-34-28
Steps: 200-310-420
Time: 3:15-5:30-7:45

Now don't don't go around and say I'm not helpful!

Thats not very helpful, for steps and time gold is more steps/longer time than bronze :P

let me fix that for you:

Medal: bronze - silver - gold
Portals: 40-34-28
Steps: 420 - 310 - 200
Time: 7:45 - 5:30 - 3:15

First run: 2:49 auto-segmented (ie. only using the auto-saves) and some errors.

Start has been made slightly more difficult to speedrun due to that little bit longer to get out before Trajectory which in turn makes it harder to hit the same energy ball cycle as before.

Ending also takes longer naturally. Since there wasn't an ending before I simply stopped the clock as soon as I entered the cake room.

Doing it segmented also opens up for using some of the harder/more-random ways. For example I can once in a while do Too Much of a Good Thing using only 3 portals before hitting the lift not actually using the last portal but rather bouncing off the inside edge with a lot of momentum. This requires a lot of luck though and I haven't been able to capture it on video.

Single-segment run in the 2:30-2:40 range should definately be doable though.

As for the map:

* That new observation chamber is very dark. Is that intentional?

* It's very easy to get stuck in the tube sequence. It happens more often than not while trying to get more speed by moving in there, but can also happen spontaneously when not touching the controls. (This is an old bug though, sorry for not reporting it earlier.)

* I remember my feeling the first time I made it through the map. I was all "yeah" and "wow" and "damn me I'm good". I think the player needs a bit more than just "congratulations" :)

(On incidental note it took me about 2 to 2? hours to get through this map the first time I played it. Considering that it took me about 3-4 hours or so the first time I played Portal single player through that's pretty impressive.)

Single-segment run in 2:46. Video here:

A couple of minor errors. Going to be hard pressed reaching 2:30, that's for sure, but 2:40 might be possible with perfect execution.

Player1, you have mad skills. Will you be my Jedi master?

Of all the batshit crazy insane things you did in this speedrun, the first and perhaps simplest is my favorite, on Trajectory where you

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Shmitz, I really think the sentry at the top of the Trajectory fling should go back in. You can see his laser sight from below, so it's not a surprise/cheap death. I just think it feels really cool to finish off that tricky fling with a mid-air turret execution. :)

Crooked Paul wrote:
Of all the batshit crazy insane things you did in this speedrun, the first and perhaps simplest is my favorite, on Trajectory where you
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Hehe yeah. It took some tries to find the exact place to put the portal for that. Actually it's not even much faster than the brute force approach since it takes some time to setup and aim right (the tolerance for placement of the initial portal is 2-3 pixels :evil:). It's become a bit better after I stopped tunneling and simply went through the portal thus saving more time.

But "not even much" is still a couple of seconds, which makes a world of difference on the energy ball bit since I currently only have like 0.5-1.0 sec to spare when I hit the button.

Player1, can you take a screenshot of the new observation room? It's not bright for me; in fact, I had to tone the lightning down a tad to keep it from being one massive wash of white.

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