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Releasing A Map? Read This First!

This is an Automated Post Forum ONLY!

You cannot make new threads in this forum. A new thread will be automatically created for you when you upload a file through the Download Database. The contents of your upload's post will automatially be made into a thread, so that forum users can comment on your download here on our forums.

If you have any questions, concerns, bug reports or ideas about our download system, feel free to post them!

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We would like to encourage all map authors to please upload your maps in a ZIP, RAR, or some other common compressed format! It's easier on us and better for the end users.

While you're at it, it wouldn't hurt if you included a README.TXT with install instructions for your map! We get a lot of "how do I play the map I downloaded" questions, and again including this file would help end users play your map.


[Important Threads] Forum Rules | Welcome to the new Thinking With Portals
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An update to the above post: Uncompressed files are no longer able to be uploaded. All files uploaded must be in a ZIP, RAR, or some other common compressed format.

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Mappers - If you are releasing a new/updated version of your map, be sure you upload the new ZIP/RAR/7z/other compressed file with a new, unique filename! Your download will not work properly if you do not do this.

I am working on a better solution to this issue, but in the meantime, please be sure new uploads (including updates) have unique filenames. Thanks.

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Just a note: It appears that you can't upload VPKs either.

So, as stated, compression is your friend.

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WinstonSmith wrote:
Just a note: It appears that you can't upload VPKs either.

So, as stated, compression is your friend.

That is correct, Winston. VPKs are not an actual compression, they are just an uncompressed storage mechanism that the Source engine recognizes. So you will still need to upload the VPK into a RAR/ZIP/7z. You can also include your Readme.txt in the RAR with your VPK as well!

[Important Threads] Forum Rules | Welcome to the new Thinking With Portals
Please do not Private Message me for assistance. Post a thread if you have questions or concerns.
If you need to contact the staff privately, contact the Global Moderators via Discord.

In addition PRT and LIN files (Hammer's visleaf and leak files respectively) are now blacklisted filetypes, because 1) these are not map files and 2) even if you genuinely need to upload them you should pack them in a compressed format.

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