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Request: More Realistic glados

Trust me, if I knew shit about modding or mapmaking I would have done this months ago. So you know how alot of people (me mainly) use impulse 101 and just shoot glados to make her voice mess up? Well, what if those hits did more than that? Like, what if they make her start whole speeches over again? As an example: "Starting now there's going to be alot less conversation *hit* *spanish* It was a morality core". And the hit would also make the facility shake and the lights flicker and spark as well. Of course, any other speech malfunction you heard throughout the game could also happen besides that one where she turned spanish. Again, I would have made this along time ago if I knew how.

Why do this if you aren't even supposed to have a weapon with you? A waste of developer's time...

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.

Like mek said, this would be a waste of time. Glados does not need to be more realistic because it was only designed to have rocket turrets firing at it, not guns. IF anyone was to make a mod, it would also have to be something that everyone is going to notice. Not very many people would notice this, as it is unimportant. It could be something that a mapper included as an easter egg, but not as the sole feature of a mod.
Besides, if you are talking about doing this in the real portal, it is impossible without decompiling valve's maps and editing them, which is a hell of a lot of work for something so small and insignificant.

You know, I always thought about having a Mapping Contest being alternate interpretations of the meeting / battle with GLaDOS, since I knew a lot a people were dissatisfied with how it went...

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msleeper wrote:
You know, I always thought about having a Mapping Contest being alternate interpretations of the meeting / battle with GLaDOS, since I knew a lot a people were dissatisfied with how it went...

Making GLaDOS fights is a huge pain and it's nearly impossible to make them fun. I made one for Quark with rotating laser pylons and ended up scrapping it because I it was always either too hard or there was no pressure.

Yeah that's the primary reason I never did one. I remember there was a similar contest over at hl2world many years ago, I can't remember if it was just generic "boss fights" or an alternate ending to HL2, but there was like 4 submissions and they all had the exact same problem.

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All valid points. Does anyone know a console code that'll make her restart her lines? Maybe I should've just asked for that.

Off hand I don't know if there is a way to do that. You could load up GCFscape, or even better just Hammer, and listen to her entire speech that way. I would bet that somebody just uploaded the whole thing to Youtube, that's where I would start looking if I were you.

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