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Respawn Cube?

Hey, I need a very quick aswer!
I have make a box dropper and drop a box when the map starts. and when the cube be destoyed in the "portal cleaner" I want the box dropper respawn a new box.. Please tell me how to make this. please


You need to place an env_entity_maker (i think...) at the center of the cube. Then set template 1 to the name of the cube. Then, goto your cleanser and give it the output:
*name of entity_maker*

That should do it!

You'll need to name your prop_physics "box" for this to work. I know that's how it's done cause I read it here.

/end shameless_plug_for_tutorials


Bizob, be shameless. Those tutorials are there for a reason, and the answers to this question are (I believe) contained in the Wiki already.

Just waiting there for the taking.

"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster