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Screen fades

Is there any way to make env_fade instantly fade in, but take 2 seconds to fade out?

Use the flag "Invert" or something like that.

Skotty wrote:
Use the flag "Invert" or something like that.

:lol: :lol:

GameBurger wrote:
Is there any way to make env_fade instantly fade in, but take 2 seconds to fade out?

Use the output "AddOutput" to change the value of the key "Duration" right after you fired the "FadeIn" output. Set a very low initial value for the "Duration" of the env_fade like 0.1, then use the output like so (via for example a logic_relay):

OnTrigger > [env_fade_name_here] > AddOutput > duration 2

Then you use the "FadeOut" output, but this time it'll take 2 seconds instead of 0.1.

I hope that helped.

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

Oh, alright, thanks! :D