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Single player P-Body

Simple question. How can i make it so the player model in my SP hammer map is P-Body instead of Chell.



  1. Place a prop dynamic of the pbody player model in your map.
  2. Create a point_clientcommand and a logic_auto
  3. In the logic_auto: OnMapSpawn -> point_clientcommand -> Command -> setmodel player/eggbot/eggbot -> 0.05
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ChickenMobile wrote:

  1. Place a prop dynamic of the pbody player model in your map.
  2. Create a point_clientcommand and a logic_auto
  3. In the logic_auto: OnMapSpawn -> point_clientcommand -> Command -> setmodel player/eggbot/eggbot -> 0.05

Wow thats easy and simple.
Thanks ;)

That Greek Guy wrote:
ChickenMobile wrote:

  1. Place a prop dynamic of the pbody player model in your map.
  2. Create a point_clientcommand and a logic_auto
  3. In the logic_auto: OnMapSpawn -> point_clientcommand -> Command -> setmodel player/eggbot/eggbot -> 0.05

Wow thats easy and simple.
Thanks ;)

Yes, it works. But on reload game with savepoint or quicksave after having died or if you just want to get back in your playthrough it may get changed back to Chell.
So in step 3 I suggest to do the following:
a) create new logic_auto if you already have one in your map
b) in logic_auto's properties go to flag tab and uncheck remove on fire
c) and set two outputs
OnMapSpawn -> point_clientcommand -> Command -> setmodel player/eggbot/eggbot -> 0.05 _ fire once YES
OnLoadGame -> point_clientcommand -> Command -> setmodel player/eggbot/eggbot -> 0.05 _ fire once NO

This way all works allright.

Also it can be used if you want to have Chell instead of Bendy in the Workshop. Skip step 1 and instead setmodel player/eggbot/eggbot use setmodel player/chell/player

God bless the quick save's inventor...(Portal: Prelude)