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Solidity for certain objects

I am trying to make an object that is solid to the player and other objects, but not to a certain cube. Is this possible to do simply? (I have already figured out a complicated way to do it, but I'd rather not if I don't have to.)

Player clip + func_clip_vphysics with a filter_targetname set to only affect things not named x.

What omnicoder said, but I would use a filter to allow entities that match x.

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Motanum wrote:
What omnicoder said, but I would use a filter to allow entities that match x.

Ahm...actually, Omni was right. If you used a filter allowing entities named x, it would mean that the wall is only solid to x.

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Actually,Motanum is right. Although, it isn't omnicoder's fault, I misphrased the question. It was supposed to be the other way around. (And I'm not that much of a noob that I can't figure that out myself anyway. It was just the entity name)

Motanum wrote:
What omnicoder said, but I would use a filter to allow entities that match x.

Possible I mistyped and I meant to say dissallow. The point is to use a filter name entity and just set it as to how you want it to act

Motanum's Website
Portal Maps - Motanum's Cheating Test [3 map pack and 2nd place winner]
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hanging_rope wrote:
Actually,Motanum is right. Although, it isn't omnicoder's fault, I misphrased the question. It was supposed to be the other way around. (And I'm not that much of a noob that I can't figure that out myself anyway. It was just the entity name)

Ah, nevermind then.

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