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[SOLVED] How to lower compiler processor consumption?

Once my maps start growing in size or have a lot of lights and models in them, the compiling inevitably takes longer. As such, I'd like to be able to do other things while they compile, like watching YouTube or browsing other websites.
But I can't because the compiler takes up so much of my processor at certain parts in compiling that I can't even move my cursor at more than 1 frame per second.
Is there any way to limit how much of my processor the compiling process uses? I'd be willing to sacrifice some speed for the sake of being able to run other processor while it runs.

I think this site could benefit from a full aesthetic/functionality overhaul. Like the Black Mesa forums. They had a site overhaul recently and personally I've found the new forum much easier to use.
Plus, I kinda find all this white a little blinding.

yup you can add -low to the vvis vbsp and vrad compilers to give it low cpu priority. that way you can still do stuff and the compile will take a bit longer :)

Lpfreaky90 wrote:
yup you can add -low to the vvis vbsp and vrad compilers to give it low cpu priority. that way you can still do stuff and the compile will take a bit longer :)

Damn, thanks! That's actually a lot more simple and professional than I thought it would be.
I was expecting to have to go into Portal 2's bin files and do some Windows 7 wizardry on each application related to the compiler with like 2 third-party applications.

...That said about the whole "easy" thing, how do I do that? I'm having a bit of a brainfart.
Would it be in the compile/run commands under "expert"?

I think this site could benefit from a full aesthetic/functionality overhaul. Like the Black Mesa forums. They had a site overhaul recently and personally I've found the new forum much easier to use.
Plus, I kinda find all this white a little blinding.

*Accidentally pressed quote instead of edit, whoops... no idea how to get rid of this, my bad.*

I think this site could benefit from a full aesthetic/functionality overhaul. Like the Black Mesa forums. They had a site overhaul recently and personally I've found the new forum much easier to use.
Plus, I kinda find all this white a little blinding.

Just add the parameter to the "arguments" section of the VBSP, VVIS and VRAD sections in the expert compile window. Put them at the beginning, that won't break anything. Have a read of thenVBSP, VVIS and VRAD pages on the VDC, they list all the parameters you can give them. Also see the list of parameters for Source games, there's lots of good stuff there. Add "-hijack" to make Portal 2 forcibly reload the map if the game's already running, instead of giving error messages.

My stuff:
[spoiler]- BEE2 Addons | (BEE2)
- Hammer Addons
- Crushed Gel
- Gel is Not Always Helpful[/spoiler]

While you have useful info, teamspen, your URL links appear to be kinda broken.

My YouTube Channel:
Aperture Science: We do our science asbestos we can!

I have it all set up now, thank you!

I think this site could benefit from a full aesthetic/functionality overhaul. Like the Black Mesa forums. They had a site overhaul recently and personally I've found the new forum much easier to use.
Plus, I kinda find all this white a little blinding.