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[SOLVED] Texture showing up black instead choosen texture

So im making a map, and i need help. some textures are not visible, instead they are black and if i chose an different one that that looks completely different, the black texture disappears
(i also have enough light)

It sounds like you're using vertex textures (look at the name of the material). Don't use those in maps.

Falsi sumus crusto!
FelixGriffin wrote:
It sounds like you're using vertex textures (look at the name of the material). Don't use those in maps.

well i'm not using an vertex texture, that's for sure.

pictures would greatly help!
also, what texture are you using specifically?

Lpfreaky90 wrote:
pictures would greatly help!
also, what texture are you using specifically?

under the squarebeam prop. in the background its nodraw texture (im gonna add the walls soon)

the problem is that the squarebeam gives shadows. making the thing black.
Set the shadows on the squarebeams to no shadows and it should be better!

Lpfreaky90 wrote:
the problem is that the squarebeam gives shadows. making the thing black.
Set the shadows on the squarebeams to no shadows and it should be better!

Thx! that helped! :thumbup: