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Some day we'll remember this and laugh

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Great joke, but executed poorly. By the way, since when does a similiar screen appear on the SkyLabs' website? I haven't seen it before, I don't go to my own site that often... :P (Another example of a great, but poorly executed joke :wink: )

One great joke I did actually execute great was switching the containments of the salt- and sugar-containers. My brother already found the tea to taste so different that morning...


"Duct Tape is the answer."
Megadude wrote:
...Also poorly implemented, as there were several mistakes.

There's a line you hear everywhere around these forums. Poorly implemented... like "good map. but poorly implemented and I found a lot of mistakes." I like how it's clearly a comment that can be whipped out even for an april fools joke. Kind of funny. Anywho, I was made a fool of april so it was pretty good.

Also, there was a pretty funny EQ2 April fools joke that had chests replaced with wooden companion cubes.. check it out

msleeper wrote:
Not sure how that's possible, everything on the entire site was down and pointed towards that page.

:( I missed it

AHAHAH!!! copyright infringment!! Now there's a funny April fools joke gone wrong!

Hopin' you don't get sued,

Let me start by sayin' that usually on or around April fool's day I start to prepare myself for anything out of the ordinary as to not fall prey to any antics. With that said, I did notice one or two usual website April fool's tricks early in the day and quickly thought "who'd fall for this sh*t?". However; I must have forgotten by the end of the day; and probably do to the fact that I hadn't visited TWP for a few days caught me off guard-- cuz yeah-- ya got me! :? So cheers for that-- I didn't go as far as to look too in detail at the fake page; but I checked msleeper's webpage to see if there was any mention of the "copyright infringement" haaaaa--- for a minute I thought I wasn't goin to get a chance to reveal my portal levels -- which was something I was running through my mind all day at work today -till I got home tonight of course and saw the good news. Ne-way; this btw, is my first post so in a way your April fool's joke got me out of hiding (i've been lurking around for months now. So hello everyone; glad to see the community isn't going nowhere and stay tuned for some portal content by me- perhaps for this contest or Snark Pit's... :)


"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." -Albert Einstein

User has been banned for this post. --msleeper

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