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Source SDK 2013 released!

So Source SDK 2013 has been released! It brings the support for Mac and Linux and developers can integrate the support for Oculus Rift. And the SDK has now a new way of distribution - via GitHub. I haven't downloaded it or played with it yet, but I am sure excited for it (I hope it won't be too difficult to set it up).

The other change with the Source SDK is that now Hammer and the other mod tools ship with their respective games instead of as part of the SDK Launcher. The launcher itself is being phased out, so it will disappear from your Tools list. You can find information about how to run the tools from the games here.

That's a lot of changes!

Here you can read the whole "news post".
Here is the Valve dev wiki page to help you to get started.
Here is the GitHub.

~(o)~~/o\~ A Trusted Friend in Science
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How to control other people
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Very interesting! I totally like the linux and mac support. Now let's see if we can mess about and get it to work for portal 2 as well... :P

Hmm...looks interesting! I too wonder if it'll work with Portal 2...hopefully they've fixed some of the random bugs seen in the P2AT :lol:


Or add the tools mode.

Mine hasn't seemed to updated. But I did download the multiplayer Base.

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You have to download the base and compile the SDK for yourself. When I tried to do that, the compiler gave me two errors. So currently I am without working SDK 2013. I hope someone will compile it and upload it somewhere to make it easier for us. Also the tools are now distributed with the game itself (at least from what I've read).

~(o)~~/o\~ A Trusted Friend in Science
My workshop
How to control other people
[spoiler]LOL, I've just forced you to click on the 'SHOW' button! Now click here:[/spoiler]
Fluppy wrote:
You have to download the base and compile the SDK for yourself.

I did briefly read the wiki page and thought that it was too much effort to be their official release.

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