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[SP] Bounce Maneuver

"For this next test, we put nanoparticles in the gel."
-Cave Johnson
The "Obliquity-Repulsion Effect", who would've thought that such a concept could be so helpful in solving science?

In short:
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Aim: Raising my tests' difficult bar
Version: Beta

Known bugs:
* The fourth Cave Johnson line is barely heard
* You can shoot a portal to the furthest angled panel from the repulsion gel pad

Enjoy, hope to hear your feedback.

Click here to download Bounce Maneuver

Instance: Co-Op Tube Ride

Love the old underground style map. Some clever bounce puzzles, but nothing too hard. Well done. thanks for creating...

I liked this map a lot. I'm not too sure if it was the map or fraps, but I got a it of lag at the beginning. Very fun puzzle that could be shortened (but not skipped) by ninja moves. Felt a little short, so I'm hoping for your next one. 4/5

Big Mood

This map is really great! Very well thought-out, nice puzzles, big enjoyment. Thanks for creating!

Cheers, really enjoyed that one :D
Looks good, the maneuver is fun, and it's nice being encouraged to make your way onto the roofy parts!

Why is it deleted?

It's not deleted, only Mr. P. Kiwi's Steam friends can access the Workshop page of the map.

~(o)~~/o\~ A Trusted Friend in Science
My workshop
How to control other people
[spoiler]LOL, I've just forced you to click on the 'SHOW' button! Now click here:[/spoiler]

Why is that?