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Talk Like A Pirate Day

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Ahoy, mateys! Today's the only day yer officially allowed to talk like a pirate! So drag out the bottles o' rum an' sing me a few lines o' "What should we do with the drunken sailor"! Arrh!

TLAPD aside, I'm not very good at talking like a pirate, so please forgive me. :wink:


"Duct Tape is the answer."
Ricotez wrote:
Ahoy, mateys! Today's the only day yer officially allowed to talk like a pirate! So drag out the bottles o' rum an' sing me a few lines o' "What should we do with the drunken sailor"! Arrh!

TLAPD aside, I'm not very good at talking like a pirate, so please forgive me. :wink:


Oye! I hafta make a rectification 'ere: TLAPD is September 19, which is tomorrow, Saturday. Doesn't matter, a real Pirate doesn't care about what day to talk like a Pirate. Arrh!


"Duct Tape is the answer."



Yar, we shall fight the pirates on Skull Island and take all their booty, Arg

Internet Pirate:
Wonder how my torrents are doing. .

You never told me which pirate to talk alike. :P

:A Little Higher: :Tornate: :Blue Portals: :Vectronic: :Youtube: :Twitter: : ModDB: :Old Sig:

The more you give, the less appreciated it will be received.
reepblue wrote:
Yar, we shall fight the pirates on Skull Island and take all their booty, Arg

Internet Pirate:
Wonder how my torrents are doing. .

You never told me which pirate to talk alike. :P


pestchamber wrote:

So it's not the only day you're officially allowed to talk like a pirate, but you can act like a pirate, w/e real or Internet. :D

Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.
ASBusinessMagnet wrote:
So it's not the only day you're officially allowed to talk like a pirate, but you can act like a pirate, w/e real or Internet. :D

Aye, though only filthy landlubbers speak like internet pirates, yaargh!


"Duct Tape is the answer."
Ricotez wrote:
Aye, though only filthy landlubbers speak like internet pirates, yaargh!

I want this day to end as soon as possible. Thankfully it has already ended in my time zone. :D

Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.
ASBusinessMagnet wrote:
I want this day to end as soon as possible. Thankfully it has already ended in my time zone. :D

It's over everywhere now. Arhh

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