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Talk Like A Pirate Day

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Everyday is pirate day. [img][/img]

PortalFan77 wrote:
Everyday is pirate day. [img][/img]

kinda conflicts with ninja day.

PortalFan77 wrote:
Everyday is pirate day. [img][/img]

Then on all days other than September 19 a pirate has to talk like a civilized human. :D

Trivia: this is the very second account I registered with the nickname ASBusinessMagnet, after my YouTube channel.
ASBusinessMagnet wrote:
Then on all days other than September 19 a pirate has to talk like a civilized human. :D

Wait then what do we talk like on the actual pirate day?

pestchamber wrote:
Wait then what do we talk like on the actual pirate day?

Err.. an actual pirate?

Nacimota wrote:
Err.. an actual pirate?

an actual pirate day.

Wait what?


Sorry... :oops:


"Duct Tape is the answer."

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When is the TWP meetup? I have a keg that needs to be drank by a buch of TWP'rs

TWP meetup? Funny guy. Most of you live in America, whereas I'm in Europe. Long live social laws and a working healthcare system.


"Duct Tape is the answer."
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