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Test Chamber 4 - Portal Style (video + Screenies included!)

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Grrr how horrible! The glass needs to be broken or at least think at the bottom! >=3

Jk :thumbup:

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o


Awesome work.

You make both good looking dirty and clean environments

Hear the turret, for it is knell. It summons thee to heaven, or to hell.
p0rtalplayer wrote:

Awesome work.

You make both good looking dirty and clean environments

I am really happy i am getting such good feedback, shows my hard work s naught to waste. I have some good news, and a question.

Good news is, I am almost done with the mappack; just two chambers to go. HOWEVER, my question is: Would you like BTS areas (CLEAN BTS areas, like in P2) because I can easily add them, but the time to finish it would rise significantly. So do you want more but the mappck comes later, or less and the mappack comes sooner? (I will release what BTS textures I have made regardless)


What do you mean by a clean bts area? Do you mean P1 vs P2 textures and colors?

In my opinion you should finish the whole package before releasing it.

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

Like the areas in the second Wheatley trailer (Minus the animated models, Blender is giving me crap hen I attempt to export animation SMD's): ... re=channel

Speaking of this trailer, anyone notice VALVe did not impliment some of the fixes we discovered for env_projectedtexture (assuming that's what they are using)? For example, we fixed it showing up on viewmodels but VALVe has not. I wonder if they recoded the entity to be more stable/optimized, and that breaks our code fixes or something.

Here's the code fixes BTW: ... _in_Hammer


Looks like they did.

I want the new running animation it feels much more realistic.

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

On multiple parts of the video, look at the portal gun. While everything is lit up, it remains black. One good place is at the very beginning when wheatley turns on the flashlight for the first time. It is pointed right at you, it should light up the model, but it doesn't.


Silly me, forgot to post this here:


Just showing off box reskins. Any more of the maps will spoil too much. (This is a seperate recompiled model BTW, it won't replace the ingame one.)


In case you didn't notice, cubes in portal 2 are smaller. You don't need to change your cubes though, they look fine.
(This is actually really good, as it makes it easier to get the through portals. Cubes will no longer get stuck in the sides of portals, making cube flinging and general other portal techniques a lot easier)

hanging_rope wrote:
In case you didn't notice, cubes in portal 2 are smaller. You don't need to change your cubes though, they look fine.
(This is actually really good, as it makes it easier to get the through portals. Cubes will no longer get stuck in the sides of portals, making cube flinging and general other portal techniques a lot easier)

wait...really? How can you tell?

Hear the turret, for it is knell. It summons thee to heaven, or to hell.
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