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Texture guy needed for new map

I got working on my 'first' map from scratch. I thought I would break out from the bore of Portal's generic cube design, especially with a more unique BTS area. Portal's BTS is okay, but not for the design I intend.

So I tried some stuff from HL2...

Turns out even the HL2 citadel & BME textures are all crap! :evil:
If there's anyone here from Black Mesa Source, or someone who can create some glossy hi-tech lab facility textures, please give me a nod. I would really like a style similar to Doom 3's Delta Labs.


PS: Did any Losties here get the unintended irony of CSI's season finale this week(between two guest stars in a flashback scene)?

Sparky the Telus Pig status:
Fully recovered and kicking ham!
Now if only the snow and mud goes away (pigs truly hate wet mud!).

I have never ever created a texture before. I guess it's time to try it!

If I get any results, I'll show them you. And if I don't get results but crap instead, I'll show it too, for the lulz.


"Duct Tape is the answer."