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The button and door again...

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I'm still quite a noob at Hammer, but I'm starting to get the hang of things.
I've followed the Wiki exactly as far as I know, but after hours of frustration, the button just refuses to work! (there's no filters for the box right now, but it did not work with filters either)

The best I've gotten the button to work was that the button gets pushed down, but does not rise again, and the doors closes after about 10 seconds. Usually, the doors is open in about half a second, but totally stops working afterwards.

And another quite irritation problem is that somehow I have created an invisible (even in Hammer) companion cube sized object placed right above the button, which only stops other objects than the player (like a cube or camera)

I must have done quite a load of general wrongness...

Mounds of gratitude to anyone who would be so kind as to check out my .rar file and explain what I have done wrong, so I can continue on with Hammering and in the end, hopefully create something :P

Not thinking without portals at the very least...

okay, I extended button_trigger, its a little higher, and also extends down into the button...

also on button_trigger, I changed the "delay before reset" from -1 to 1

doing that worked for me :P

hope that helps

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Make sure the func_doors (for the button and the actual doors) do not have the "Touch Activates" flag checked. Also, make sure they each have their Reset Delay or whatever sent to 0, that is what makes them auto-close.

As for your invisible box, check your fade distances on the cube to make sure you haven't messed with them. The Start and End fade should be -1 and 0, I believe.

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Why then does the guide say "delay before reset: -1"?

Edit: aaaah, it was the trigger and not the func_door...sorry :P

Not thinking without portals at the very least...

you probably want to set the dealy before reset for the doors set to -1, so they only close if you or the cube move off the button

the guide says -1 because -1 means that it wont close itself... your button trigger controls both the open and the close, so you dont want the door closing on its own

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Thanks a lot!
Saved my ass from another couple of hours of trial and error...

Not thinking without portals at the very least...

Duh...I did it again...

This time I can't walk through my opened doors, how come?
It seems like the two func_doors aren't allowing me through. Tried turning on the flags "Non-solid to player" which did nothing as far as I could notice, and "passable" which made it possible to just walk through the door even when it's closed

Screwing up is an art!

Not thinking without portals at the very least...

I had this happen once, it happened after I rotated the doors I think... what it turned out to be was that the prop_dynamics looked open, but the func_doors were moving the wrong way, in other words not opening just switching places...

what I would recommend... is hiding the prop_dynamics, and applying a texture to the func_doors so you can see exactly what they're doing

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Yupp, spot on. Got the func_doors mixed up.
Thank a lot, you sure know your Hammer!

Sorry to bother you with my noob-power :wink:

Not thinking without portals at the very least...

lol thanks ;)

I started when portal came out so its good that I'm learning lol

dont worry about bothering me, I actually refresh the forum index every few minutes to see new posts... these forums aren't too active compared to ones ive trolled in the past :P

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