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I've got plenty of ideas, but no actual set-up.

That means puzzles, but no idea if they're fun and how to create a test chamber around them.

Maybe I'll stick to tech demos, that other people are free to use.


"Duct Tape is the answer."

I'm working on one early, pre-orange gun level, and I hope to get a more advanced + bts scene map done too.

I have a very basic map with an entry elevator, an exit elevator, and one security camera. If it would help people I can upload the source file and people could use my elevators as a template.

So THAT'S how you do that!

For those who don't know: you can use the elevators (and much more things) from Ald?z's prefabs, that's what I did mostly for my map. Find the download in the download section here at TWP. :wink:

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.
Mek wrote:
For those who don't know: you can use the elevators (and much more things) from Ald?z's prefabs, that's what I did mostly for my map. Find the download in the download section here at TWP. :wink:

Aldez's prefab pack;



I use that one for buttons, doors, lifts and such. It goes alot faster with that.

I've been gone to Italy for 2 weeks, sorry for the delay. But I'm gonna map again soon.

Be advised that any noticable taste of blood isn't part of any test protocol. But is an unintended side effect of the Hand-Held-High-Energy-Pellet.
Bulska wrote:
I use that one for buttons, doors, lifts and such. It goes alot faster with that.

I like a challenge, and found that many prefabs were incomplete, and decided to largely study and copy things from the example map. Oh, and I got pissed at the I/O on the button, so I just snatched it straight out of the example! ^-^

So is anyone currently mapping?

Right now I'm working on a large map consisting of 8 test chambers, all of which need to be completed in order to unlock the exit door. I may add another boss chamber after the exit door, but I'm not sure.
As of now I'm still in the process of building the entrance/main hall/exit area.
Getting the lighting just right is taking the most time, because I want this map to have a dark feel, and the lighting will play a big roll in getting the feeling right.
Due to the layout of this map, the test chambers are not your typical "enter one end, make your way to the other end and exit"
Instead, they only have one door that locks behind you after you enter. The key (Cube) or button to unlock the door is at the back and you have to exit the same door you entered in.
I'm not sure if this has been done before, perhaps someone could drop some names of other maps that use the same setup, if there are any.

I've gotten 2 VMFs so far, I need to open them up though and take a look.

I am off-and-on working on part of a map, but presently I am working on a TF2 project that should hopefully be done soon.

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I dug out what I started on like a month ago. I revamped some of it but really haven't gotten too far with it yet. Work's been keeping me busy as well as family stuff but I'm actually in the mood to map more often now.


yeah well I've had [insert generic excuse here] so ya know that's why i haven't submitted anything

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