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I've been playing Kirby's Return to Dreamland. It has a final boss

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that can think with portals. The music for the final battle is just too great.

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Is it just me or is that song unbelievably addicting to listen to

Another Bad Pun wrote:
Is it just me or is that song unbelievably addicting to listen to

It is addicting. It's one of the best video game final boss music I've heard in a few years. Here's the actual battle with some portal action.

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The reason I like Portal better than Portal 2? The music. These are my two favorite songs from the game. I think we can all agree, (at least most of us can,) that Portal has a better soundtrack. Also, when is the next spotlight? It would be interesting to see some more coop maps featured.

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Yeah, I can't stand the way they used actual musical notes in the Portal 2 soundtrack. Sooo unoriginal.

all kidding aside though, I love the P1 music.

I feel that the music in Portal 1 was pretty good but I don't think it's better or worse than Portal 2. Although, my only favorite is this:

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Meh, I was never that big a fan of 4000 Degrees Kelvin, mainly because it's more of a "get pumped, you're about to fall in a giant fire" song than an actual soundtrack song.

However, I will say that my absolute favorite songs from the Portal 2 OST are the underground ones. I love the almost clockwork arpeggios and structured, leveled nature of the various songs.

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WinstonSmith wrote:
Meh, I was never that big a fan of 4000 Degrees Kelvin, mainly because it's more of a "get pumped, you're about to fall in a giant fire" song than an actual soundtrack song.

However, I will say that my absolute favorite songs from the Portal 2 OST are the underground ones. I love the almost clockwork arpeggios and structured, leveled nature of the various songs.

It is a nice change of music after going though the music in GLaDOS's chambers.

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"Capture the Cube 3"
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I've said this before, while I think Portal 2 is a greater game overall, I love Portal's music. Self Esteem Fund has to be my favorite.

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Random wrote:
Self Esteem Fund has to be my favorite.

Oh man, how could I forget about that one? Yeah, that's probably my favourite too, next to Jiggle Bone, and perhaps Party Escort ...? I like the ones that bring a sense of crushing realism to being trapped inside such a vast, deserted mechanical complex.

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