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Do players and NPC's have shadows too?

Crazy is as crazy does.
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MasterLagger wrote:
Do players and NPC's have shadows too?

Did you see the branch shadows on the viewmodel? If they've gone to that much trouble I'm betting they will.

Now with 100% more inline comments!

Yeah, I was thinking that if they made shadows this good, it would be wrong of them not to give players and NPC's shadows.

Crazy is as crazy does.
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Revenge of the Angry Turrets
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ML's Halloween Trick - 1000 downloads!
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ML's Combination - 1000 downloads!
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"Capture the Cube 3"
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I don't map much I animate alot though so I will show off


That was awesome! but at the same time freaky...

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shad0w440 wrote:
I don't map much I animate alot though so I will show off

I love your turrets :turret: :cube:

Thanks guys :)


...What has the internet done???

The Engineer is a Francis!

Crazy is as crazy does.
My Work
Revenge of the Angry Turrets
Capture the Cube [Co-op]
Capture the Cube 2 [Co-op]
TPWEGTH Sample Map
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center 2
Aperture Time Testing Center
ML's Halloween Trick - 1000 downloads!
ML's Halloween Treat
ML's Combination - 1000 downloads!
ML's Jailbreak Labyrinth
ML's Tricky Teamwork [Co-op]
"Capture the Cube 3"
Workshop Maps Link:[/spoiler]
MasterLagger wrote:
The Engineer is a Francis!


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